Words can build kids up, and they can just as easily tear them down. You are my greatest strength.I love to talk to you. Always celebrate others success.Do not fear when you have not done anything wrong. The above mentioned positive affirmations can prove very beneficial for motivating children to do well in life. You are a good friend to yourself and others. positive things to say to your child: You are cared for and loved. Baby Photo Contest visitors: Facebook Voting gives your contestants 4 bonus points!Read on to find 100 positive affirmations that can help you to raise your child into a strong, positive and a powerful person as well as a good human being.Positive Affirmations work wonders while upbringinga happy, truthful, self-reliant and a successful child. Never trouble others.Speak calmly and carefully. You are a kind person.I understand you. I trust you.Know your limits.You are a beautiful person.Trust yourself.You are a positive person.Always keep everyone around you happy. Notice good and nice things about others.Treat everyone equally. We must say such things to our children regularly. What are the ways to raise children into good individuals?
You are my life.Look at everyone with positive attitude. 2. In fact if your child follows these affirmations, he or she will never face any difficult situation in life. You are important. You are a calm person.Always be grateful. While everyone wants to believe their child pos...It's no secret that communicating with kids can be difficult. You make me smile; I like you Very nice tips. When was the last time you said something positive to your children? these are very nice things that we must always say to our children. Always help others.Dont get upset about little things. Find happiness in small things.Patch-up immediately when you fight.Motivate others to do good things.Do not laugh at others when they are in pain.
Use your energy only in doing good things.Talk nicely to everyone. Before we get to the list, here’s a bonus for you . A lot. New parents can be especially concerned about try...Signs of creative genius in children usually show up at a young age. Enjoy discovering new things. You are a happy person.Accept your mistakes. Thank you for being so caring. You are a healthy soul.Be the strength of your family.You are hardworking soulNever think negative about others.Always maintain calm and peace wherever you go.Use your abilities to do your best for the good of others.Talk with courtesy.Go with the flow.Never try to put-others down.Care for others.Listen to your heart.Hear what others have to say.

So, make sure that you say these things to your child to inculcate good values and morals in him or her always.How to raise mentally strong children? The most positive and encouraging things you can say to your child to help them build confidence, feel good about themselves, and feel empowered. So, I’m taking a step back and switching things up (well, trying to) with these 10 positive things to say to your child. I am happy for what you are.Think creatively. Love yourself.Always be hopeful. It’s just not possible. You are my priority.Always fulfil your duties truthfully and honestly. Discuss here. I need a dose of my own medicine this week, as I have been complaining. Here’s the list: 1. Signing up with Facebook means faster registration, and quicker access to all member areas of IndiaParenting. Listed below are 100 positive things that your child must hear from you regularly.I love you.You are just perfect.I care for you.Always focus on good things in your life.I need you.Do all things with good intentions. . You are the asset of our family.Focus on attaining success. Thank you for being so eager to learn. By viewing, you agree to our You are a fantastic helper. The world needs you. But, a child needs to hear these affirmations from his or her parents or guardians. Be a well-behave individual.Be down to earth. All trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.Power of Positivity uses cookies to help us improve our site. You’re doing a wonderful job. Obviously, words that are encouraging, supportive, and heartfelt are part of the equation, as are statements that instill a sense of determination, individualism, and self-esteem.It is the opinion of experts that positive words to a child take on more meaning when they have the following characteristics:Parents will always want the very best in life for their children. What is the importance of saying positive things to children? I respect you.Learn to smile during your hardest times. Today is your day. With this in mind, here are 100 (!) These affirmations will be there with your child throughout his or her life.

All rights Reserved. This is one of the most important things you can ever say to your child, and the thing is – you cannot say it too much. As parents, the way we speak to our children is incredibly important. 1 – I Love You. I will always be here when you need me. Here are 100 things every kid needs to hear to develop a positive self-image: I love you What words qualify as positive when directed towards a child? You are my prince/princess.Be the light, always show good path to others. Indeed, just as wounds inflicted in childhood can have consequences that last beyond the childhood years, positive words can have a positive impact extending well into adulthood. 101 Positive Phrases You Need To Say to Your Child. I know you will do great things. I am proud of you.Talk less work more. . “I’m grateful for you.” Children feel special when they know you’re thankful that they’re a part of your life. Which is why finding positive things to say to your child matters!. Positive affirmations are must for children to help them feel confident and nice about themselves. Never be jealous of anyone.Always do right.Love and respect everyone.Stand for yourself.

Respect the individuality of others.Do not force anyone to do favour on you.Never forget the ones who helped you during your tough times.Help others to become a better individual.

Respect everyone.Do your best to avoid mistakes.

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