Previously owned Super A-Mart chain of furniture stores.1. $552M. "Now there's property booms everywhere including Queensland so it's probably the main base of people's wealth there now. Picture: Britta CampionWhile the list was predominantly represented by men, nine women made the cut, up from eight last year.The Top five wealthiest young women were: Cyan Ta’aad (No. Age: 65. 5. Age: 62. Ms Rinehart is also the second-richest woman in Australia, falling behind her estranged mother Gina Rinehart, who is worth $10.41 billion.Despite Queensland's mining history, Ms Rinehart is the only rich-lister in Queensland's top five whose wealth has come from the resources sector.The personal fortunes of John Van Lieshout, Bob Ell, Con Makris and Reg Rowe, come from a base of property.Rich List editor John Stensholt said mining would have featured more heavily in Queensland's rich list half a decade ago. 15. 9 of 12. $840M. Sold last year.

His fortune is $6 billion.Rounding out the top 10 is Crown Resorts director and major shareholder James Packer, who has $4.75 billion wealth that is now mostly held in Crown shares, and Perth billionaire Stan Perron.Mr Perron, 94, is the oldest billionaire on the Rich List and has wealth of $3.9 billion. Largest shareholder of Billabong.3. Surfing retail. Twitter. He sold the company to a private equity firm in 2006 but kept ownership of the freehold stores.He now owns a large property portfolio and property development company Unison Projects, with industrial and commercial properties and projects including shopping centres, homes and offices.Gold-Coast based William Robert Ell is a former carpenter who founded property development group Leda Holdings in 1976.Forbes reported he has developed more than $3 billion-worth of property.Mr Makris emigrated from Greece in the 1960s, and developed a portfolio of retail businesses and properties including a number of shopping centres in South Australia.He expanded business to Sydney in the early 2000s, and in 2016 The founder of SuperCheap Auto is now a non-executive director of the Super Retail Group.While he no longer has direct control of the group, he owns close to 60 million shares which Rachel Clun is a journalist at The Sydney Morning Herald.Bianca Rinehart, pictured in Sydney in 2015, is Queensland's richest person.Billionaire Bob Ell, pictured with wife Bridget in 2006, is Queensland's third richest person. The Ta’eed’s are co-founders of online graphic marketplace Envato.Global fitness and health star Emily Skye (No. The Financial Review Rich List, formerly known as the BRW Rich 200, is a list of Australia's two hundred wealthiest individuals and families, ranked by personal net worth published annually in The Australian Financial Review. Identified and mined rich coal seams. 9, $216m), Melanie Perkins (No. Shaun Juniper and the Juniper family.$588M. The Financial Review Rich List annually ranks the top 200 richest Australians. An annual Queensland ‘150 Rich List’ compiled by the Sunday Mail newspaper this weekend has exposed the tough conditions being experienced across the beef industry – even for the sector’s largest stakeholders. 30, $79m), Kayla Itsines (No. Bought his own football team on the Gold Coast. The 20 wealthiest Australians are worth a cool $100.7 billion combined, the 2017 Financial Review Rich List reveals.. Anthony Pratt tops the Rich List … "Overall most of them are getting richer for sure, it's been a property boom everywhere, mining's done pretty well," he said. Picture: LinkedIn.Melbourne property developer Tim Gurner, worth about $465 million, took out position No. Ken Talbot. THE 2017 Young Rich List has revealed Australia’s top 100 wealthiest self-made citizens aged 40 and under are worth a record $13.2 billion and counting. $770M. Age 63. 7.Canva chief executive Melanie Perkins is worth an estimated $128m. 4.Gordon Merchant.

Mining. The BRW Young Rich List for 2017 has been released. … Age: 68. The latest Rich List news, articles and analysis from the Australian Financial Review

Invalid postcode. The 20 wealthiest Australians are worth a cool $100.7 billion combined, the Mr Pratt is joined on the $10 billion-plus level by both Harry Triguboff and Gina Rinehart, worth $11.45 billion and $10.41 billion combined.Mr Pratt, the head of the Visy Industries cardboard box manufacturing and recycling empire in Australia and Pratt Industries in the United States, tops the list for the first time since 2009.His wealth, and that of Mr Triguboff and Mrs Rinehart rose a combined $7.5 billion thanks to Mr Pratt's continued success in the US, Mr Triguboff's domination of the Sydney apartments market and the rising iron ore price for Mrs Rinehart. Largest shareholder of Billabong. 40, $63m), and supermodel turned businesswoman Miranda Kerr (No. You will automatically be redirected in $739M. Queensland's top 100 rich list. 10. Maha Sinnathamby. Grew his Mineralogy company.

"I mean we've still got Clive Palmer on the list for example - he could be worth a lot more if he ever wins his legal battle, but at the moment he's still got a lot of property and that's probably the basis of his wealth really at the moment. 83, $32 million) and Airtasker co-founders Tim Fung and Jonathan Lui (No. Construction. Age: 55. 4, with $607m.Although they have stepped away from the day-to-day management of the company they remain directors and shareholders.Dave Greiner, co-founder at Campaign Monitor Picture, is one of the richest young people in Australia. Queensland's five richest people revealed Queensland's five wealthiest people are worth a combined $8.29 billion, according to the 2017 Financial Review Rich List.

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