It marks the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 when the United States declared independence from Great Britain.
By 1870, the Congress made July 4th a federal holiday, though it wasn’t until 1941 that federal employees were given Independence Day a paid day off. Even though the 4th of July doesn’t always fall on a weekend, people tend to celebrate the 4th of July on “July 4th weekend,” so people can enjoy the holiday even when it falls on a work day. Independence Day for the year 2019 is celebrated/ observed on The Declaration itself was written by Thomas Jefferson, a delegate and signer of the Declaration himself.After the Revolutionary War that gave the country its independence, Americans naturally wanted to remember their Independence Day every year on the anniversary, including  celebrations of America’s new political ideals and opportunities for politicians to address their constituents.What catapulted Independence Day into the position it holds today: the Way of 1812. Even though the 4th of July doesn’t always fall on a weekend, people tend to celebrate the 4th of July on “July 4th weekend,” so people can enjoy the holiday even when it falls on a work day.Many people think Independence Day was the day the Declaration of Independence was written or signed, but actually it celebrates the official adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776. Fireworks are thought to represent the guns, blasts, and other explosive aspects of the fight for independence. If you have accumulated enough personal time at work you could take off Friday and even Monday and enjoy a nice long summer holiday.

After all, 4th of July weekend is a time for us all to celebrate our independence and freedom, so almost anything goes.In case you are curious about what day of the week July 4 falls on in 2020, that day will be a Saturday. 4th of July or July 4th, also known as Independence Day, is a federal holiday on July 4th. Many cities and state government have official celebrations for the 4th of July, including concerts, performances, food, and fireworks. July 4th weekend is  a popular time for family get-togethers, at which people shoot off  fireworks to remind them of the fighting that took place to win their independence. Sometimes known as “the birthday of our country,” July 4th weekend is the time of year we set aside to celebrate our nation’s independence and The Fourth of July, sometimes called Independence Day, or just the 4th, has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1941, though  the traditional celebration of Independence Day goes back to at least the 18th century and the late days of the American Revolution of 1775-1783.In June of 1776, representatives of the then 13 colonies who were fighting in a revolutionary struggle voted on a resolution that would officially declare their independence from Great Britain.
A 4th of July party isn’t complete without some form of fireworks.For an example of what 4th of July fireworks can be, here’s the largest 4th of July Fireworks show in American history, in New York City in 2008.Fireworks are often paired with patriotic music and other displays to make the event more fantastic. This romantic bed and breakfast has elegant accommodations and modern amenities. Later in the history of the Early Republic, the observance of Thursday, July 4th is day number 185 of the 2019 calendar year with We use cookies to personalize content, ads, and provide social media interaction and analyze traffic on our site. If you’re looking for Los Angeles 4th of July Weekend 2019 ideas, check out some of these local activities and fun things do in Los Angeles in July, including… Knott’s Berry Farm Celebrates The 4th Of July; Aquarium of the Pacific 4th of July BBQ; 4th of July Block Party – Grand Park; Marina del Rey Fireworks; AmericaFest Celebration – Rosebowl

That’s a big reason why barbecue and other foods for cooking out have become big 4th of July eating traditions. Stay safe!The U.S. Government Could Pay Off Its Debt Tomorrow5 Family Board Games that You Can Use to Teach Your Kids

The most common symbol of the 4th of July is the red, white, and blue American flag. Churches also use the 4th of July as a time for celebration, holding special services for Independence Day, praying for our country’s leaders, and having 4th of July activities similar to those had around the country.Because the 4th of July takes place in the middle of the summer, traditional 4th of July foods are any foods that you’d normally eat during the summer. To get you in the red, white and blue spirit, we’re creating a three-post series to make the most of this classic summer holiday. July 4th holiday weekend is the weekend set aside for celebrations of the 4th of July. You will also probably hear plenty of patriotic music, including “The Star-Spangled Banner,” the United States’ national anthem.From that first celebration in 1776 right up to present day festivities, July 4th has been a time that Americans celebrate the birth of their nation, the birth of America, and independence, with parties that include everything from fireworks, parades and concerts to more low-key family gatherings and cookouts.Traditional July 4th activities can be pretty much anything that celebrates our nation’s history, our freedom, and our patriotism.

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