WOW: A high-level source just sent me this photo, says that it shows Dr. FAUCI with George SOROS and Bill Gates' father among others. Worked With Planned Parenthood and the Rockefeller-Financed Eugenics Movement in America. Support Patriots' Soapbox with a one-time donation!Support Patriots' Soapbox with a one-time donation!Censorship is occuring and will only get worse, help us break the chains of big tech. But history might argue otherwise. Well, Geoffrey Robertson of By continuing to use this website, you acknowledge and agree to that. Their cause is anti-family, and anti-freedom; nothing good can come from their policies! 2010: The 'Global Vaccine Action Plan' Begins Source says it's from 2001. In December of 2000, David Rockefeller and William H. Gates Sr., among others, (pictured to the right) visited the Rockefeller University campus to take part in a meeting on “Philanthropy in a Global Century”. Fauci is there because if you follow the money, Medical treatments and research Costs money.’Here is something to consider for the truth seekers like myself. Source says it's from 2001. Bill Gates’ parents, … While there, Gates spoke glowingly about his inspiration from Rockefeller in founding GAVI, In this post you can see David Rockefeller: Twitter user @Mikebravodude found the event from 2001 that the images came from: Dr. Fauci with Leonore Annenberg, Brooke Astor, Irene Diamond, William H. Gates Sr., David Rockefeller, George Soros and Ted Turner. Which brings to light the old saying “you don’t bite the handSOMEONE INDEPENDENT NEEDS TO LOOK INTO DR FAUCI’S INVOLVEMENT WITH AZT THE AIDS DRUG THAT KILLED THOUSANDS. The Roe v. Wade case legalized abortion, but almost no body knows that legal abortion was a law formed by eugenicists, to “genetically improve” the population, by “reducing” the population.How do I know for certain, that Bill Gates’ dad is a secret communist (and globalist)?

Fauci identified as man third from the left As you can see, Qanon posted about this event, with a picture from a different angle.

Bill Gates’ father is William H. Gates Sr., a Co-Founder of Why is that important?

© 2020 | Truth and Conspiracy | All Rights Reserved William Gates Sr. One of the awardees was Irene Diamond who established the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center along with her husband, and Fauci was a huge figure in the AIDs pandemic Patriots' Soapbox Round Table: with NoRegerts, SpiritWarrior & RoosterCogbertThis website, like every other website, uses cookies to provide the experience it does for you. "How in the Hell are unvaccinated children a danger to vaccinated children if vaccines actually work?!" This makes one wonder, how long has Dr. Fauci known Bill Gates? APPARENTLY FAUCI KNEW THERE WERE PROBLEMS WITH THE DRUG AND STOPPED 2 OTHER THERAPIES FROM COMING TO FRUITION SO HIS INVESTMENT, THAT HE PROFITED TO THE TUNE OF HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS, WOULD BE THE THERAPY CHOSEN….WHAT IS THE NAZI GERMANY CONNECTION WITH THEThe images in the last 3 pics are no longer there, can someone try and upload those again.

Leonore has since passed away but the foundation is ran by Wallis Annenberg who is the President and Ceo. Well, in April of 2003, the Isn’t that strange? Image Surfaces of Dr. Fauci With George Soros, Bill Gates Sr., David Rockefeller, Ted Turner Posted on 05/12/2020 by EraOfLight — 4 Comments ↓ Former Rep. Ron Paul called for the firing of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the infectious disease specialist leading President Trump’s medical response to the coronavirus pandemic. Worked With Planned Parenthood and the Rockefeller-Financed Eugenics Movement...!

Support the evolution of Patriots' Soapbox!Your donation will go directly into development efforts to allow us to break free from Zoom, Discord, Google's services, and ultimately, any platform that wishes to censor hard hitting journalism.April 6, 2020 – An image has surfaced showing a young doctor Anthony Fauci with a number of elites all the way back in 2001…one which raises a number of very serious questions and concerns.WOW: A high-level source just sent me this photo, says that it shows Dr. FAUCI with George SOROS and Bill Gates' father among others. Let us know! But, what is the Fabian Society? The more one looks into the Fabians, the more treasonous, and evil they appear.

every one in the country is hurting financially form the first lockThe rich awarding each other for their giving contests. Why is that so?I’ve said all along, it’s the wolf guarding the henhouse. William Gates Sr. In the picture you will also see Leonore Annenberg, the Annenberg.Foundation is a major contributor to ” Why is Bill Gates funding him to do “vaccine research” to the tune of $100 million dollars?See a spelling or grammar error? Rockefeller's net worth was equal to 2.5 percent of the gross national product of the United States, vs one-half of 1 percent of the gross national product for Bill Gates. Inless your going out to riot than you can leave your house.

Fauci was a presenter at the 2001 Andrew Carnegie Medals ceremony, where he hobnobbed with George Soros, Bill Gates’ father, David Rockefeller, and other globalist masters of the universe.

Fauci & Gates, etc. In January, 2010, the United Nations, World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious... Saturday, August 15, 2020 All NWO.Seven people in the photo won Carnegie Medals of Philanthropy in the same year (2001) and posed for a picture together, along with the people who presented the awards to them.

Dr Fauci is a globalist rat and you can bet he doesn’t have anything on his mind except advancing the new world order. WAS Bill Gates fortunate when an appeals court ruled 10 days ago that his company, Microsoft, should not be cloven in two?Maybe.

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