Check out our 100 bizarre, interesting and fun facts that will blow your mind Over 80% of the matter in the Universe cannot be seen through which is referred to as ‘Dark Matter’ and is theorized to be made from undiscovered subatomic particles.The Milky Way is located at the heart of our galaxy or at the centre of the Solar System. Here’s another fun fact about asteroids- the first asteroid was discovered in 1801 by an Italian Mathematician and Astronomer called Giuseppe Piazza. Radios are used in communications as radio waves are transmittable in space.And here’s a bonus space fact- Venus is the hottest planet in the universe with a recorded surface temperature of 450 degrees Celsius!These interesting facts on ‘Space’ will leave your kid spellbound. The sun is a star too, and there are approximately 100 billion stars in our galaxy, and the Milky Way is just a band of stars that form in our night sky!One year on Sedna is equal to 10,500 years on Earth. Click Here are 20 interesting facts about space for kids which will leave you mesmerized by the mysteries and wonders of the universe.An asteroid speeds down into the Earth’s stratosphere every year, but luckily, it burns up to smithereens before it reaches the atmosphere. He landed on the moon in 1969, and the only way to wipe off his footprints (and other astronauts’) is by making another space body hit and demarcate the moon’s surface.The size of a meteorite ranges between the speckle of dust to 10 meters in diameter! Stop! Elders please make sure and decide which experiment is suitable for your kids based on their age and maturity. Space – a term that is shrouded in mystery and one that contains many marvels of the universe.

All rights reserved. Feel free to share more facts below or any tales of the universe if this article piqued your interest. The best thing you could do is, quickly At this moment if you are looking for more activities, then read below. 10 Fun Mars facts For kids! The animal kingdom is a huge treasure house for adults and children alike. Sedna is an asteroid that’s referred to as a planetoid because it shares similar physical features as that of the Earth. It’s located at a distance of about three times as far as Neptune within a hypothesized Oort Cloud. It has been forecasted that there will come a day when the Earth will be consumed by the sun.The first manmade object to enter space was launched by a Russian satellite named Sputnik back in 1957! Fret not, we’ve got you covered. The ability to have complex thoughts really starts to develop at this age, and a 6-year-old’s curiosity about the … Age 10 is the beginning of adolescence, when girls start to see life's possibilities expanding – or contracting. What makes this even more fascinating? ‘Sputnik 2’ was launched by the USSR on November 3, 1957, and a homeless dog named ‘Laika’ was launched along with it. Laika was the first dog to enter space but passed away unfortunately since the satellite couldn’t make it back to Earth.It’s a fascinating fact indeed that the sun’s rays bounce off of the Moon’s surface which later is passed on to the Earth, thus making it appear as if the moon is glowing. On the other hand, if it burns up midway when falling through the atmosphere before reaching the surface, we call it a meteor.Black holes are regions of space where no light or particulate matter can escape the space. If you are keen to share fun and interesting animal facts with your children. The asteroid was known as ‘Ceres.’ Most asteroids are composed of rocks and metals.There are tire tracks and signs of mankind’s footsteps on the Moon. This has been recorded to be at 170 miles a second!There is only one planet that is invisible to the naked eye, and that is Neptune. I have collected some for your 5 – 6-year-old kids. Your use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. We sure hope so. There are plenty of activities and ideas in the same section of our Fun Science for 5-6 Year Olds page – many of these activities would be appropriate for 7-9 year olds as well. The website is packed with articles, worksheets and even a quiz on each section. The Moon doesn’t have this going for her which is why the Moon has got a lot of craters and scars in comparison to the Earth.The high and low tides of oceans are caused due to the gravitational pulls of the moon and the sun.Neil Armstrong was the first man to ever touch the Moon’s surface and walk on it. ‘Spaghettification,’ is when you’re literally, we quote, “pulled and ripped apart” by gravitational forces when landing inside a black hole. Day and night occur depending on which side of the earth faces the sun. History for kids Welcome to History for Kids the free online history network. The Earth takes 24 hours to make one complete rotation which leads to days and nights on our planet.Previously, Pluto used to be considered a planet just like the rest of the remaining ones in our solar system. Well, they didn’t. As these girls approach puberty, they may begin to exercise more independence and explore new interests. You can find them here and we would want you to make this page favorite to check out and help your kid understand science. These facts will be a great addition to his knowledge. There are way more than billions of galaxies in space and just imagining the far corners of the universe is an incomprehensible feat for the human brain!In this article, we’ve gathered a list of 20 interesting facts about space for kids which, hopefully, will serve as a starter guide to the wonders of space. Fret not, we’ve got you covered. Pluto wasn’t large enough to be considered a planet and hence, was dubbed, as a ‘dwarf planet.’ This is why there are eight planets in the solar system and not nine anymore.There are lots of natural phenomena occurring on the Earth all year round like erosions, tsunamis, earthquakes and other natural disasters which constantly lead to the reformation of the Earth’s surface. Well, that’s what any human will turn into once he lands inside a black hole in space. Even though it’s billions of years old, ... Mars has two moons called Phobos and Deimos, although sometime is the next 2 to 4 million years Phobos is expected to be torn apart by gravity – leaving a ring of dust and debris around the planet. This makes it impossible for lifeforms to survive in black holes.The Earth rotates on an invisible axis and orbits around the sun just like the other seven planets in the Solar System.

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