A few weeks later, the Riddler showed up late for the fight while Harley and her gang were eating at the reformed Condiment King's new hot dog stand, and they easily beat him up too. You're a certified nutso wanted in 12 states and hopelessly in love with a psychopathic clown.

Harleen became obsessed with her subject, and after falling madly in love with the Clown Prince of Crime, she helped him escape the asylum.Her love for the Joker inspired Harleen to adopt a new identity, that of Harley Quinn, The Joker’s sidekick-slash-love interest—whether he wanted one or not.

Along the way Harley has become one of the most popular super-villains in the DC Universe, thanks in part to her versatility, charisma and cheery-but-deranged outlook on life.After all, as Harley would say, if you're going to go a little crazy, you may as well sit back and enjoy the ride!The Suicide Squad gets assigned to the deadliest missions out there—the ones where survival is far from guaranteed.

After a fight with Batgirl, she fell into Arkham Canyon, seemingly lost.

Pauline forces Mr. Punch to keep her around as his partner-in-crime by withholding Grimdark's name, relishing his abuse and the havoc they wreak. Harley finds her old original gang, beats them up, and retakes control.

This was followed up by a one-shot issue in which we see a decimated future where Red Tool has tracked down Old Lady Harley at future cyborg Tony's request.

Satisfied that she has Punch's attention, Pauline reveals her identity and they escape Sarkaman together.

This was a temporary measure, and soon, Harley freed them from mind control and apologized for some things she said while on truth serum.

The comic book version of Quinn, like the comic book version of the Joker, is more dangerously violent and less humorously quirky than t… After the success of The Animated Series, the character proved so popular that she was eventually added to Batman comic book canon. Pauline cozies up to a nurse so she can dress in an official and "help out" delivering meds, allowing her to grow closer to Mr. Punch.

Coming between me and my Puddin' from the very beginning...". The Joker frequently insults, ignores, hurts, and even tries to kill Harley, but she always comes back to him, convinced that he genuinely loves her.

Harley Quinn, real name Harleen Quinzel, was the sidekick and on-off girlfriend of the Joker. Harley Quinn is recast as Pauline Ketch, one of the six women who share their stories in the Hell Hath club. This leaves Coach/Brainiac in charge, and he heads out with Red Tool to go home. The multiverse would be a much less lively place without the hijinks and shenanigans of the former Dr. Harleen Quinzel, the one and only Clown Princess of Crime.Sometimes love can make people do crazy things.

There, she becomes fascinated by the comatose Mr. Punch, who has bright yellow hair, red eyes, and is covered in burn scars.

It is announced that she and the Joker are to be married. Batman! As she tells her story, Pauline briefly returns to reality and realizes Mr. Punch was only using her, only to escape back into her delusions immediately afterward.
Back in the current time period, she recently went on a one-woman rampage on Apokolips before coming back to Earth with a new friend she rescued from Granny Goodness named Tina to deal with a realtor and a cult run by a skeleton-headed goof calling himself "Lord Death Man" whom she heard about on a literal pirate broadcast. After being caught by Grimdark, she is incarcerated in Sarkaman Asylum, claiming that she only got of prison due to her father's wealth.

She is initially excited about the pending marriage, until she discovers that the two will be sacrificed to the island's volcano as their wedding ceremony ends.Harley has broken up with the Joker and has a romantic relationship with Poison Ivy.Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti's four-year run on Harley Quinn, after almost a hundred issues, came to an end with After that mess, a few of her old criminal buddies, including the Penguin, the Mad Hatter, the Scarecrow, Solomon Grundy, False Face, Mr. When they commit … Freeze, and numerous other Batman villains took advantage of Harley's grief over her dead friend Mason to split her from her team. She hates Grimdark (Batman) for what she sees as causing gentrification in Gigonol (Gotham) and the fact that his no-kill rule often leads to lifetime crippling and manslaughter.

However, later on in the story, she is shown to be having a quiet relationship with Bayou (Mera) suggesting that hope is not lost for her.This article is about the DC Entertainment character. )In time, Harley came to realize the Joker was holding her back, and she struck out on her own. For the Agatha Christie character, see Harley Quinn and Power Girl (July 2015). DC Comics.

How dangerous are we talking about?

After her mother was temporarily retconned and a series of pointless adventures through multiple continuities, everything was restored to normal, with the exception of an alternate past superhero with no concept of a "gray area" being pulled into Harley's world.

She falls hopelessly in love with the Joker during their sessions, and she helps him escape from the asylum more than once.

Captured by the Under Conner and Palmiotti's writing, Harley was reinvented as an After a fight and reconciliation, Harley learns that the Joker has been living on the island as a god and making the inhabitants dress up as various superheroes and track him down while playing tricks on them.
She survived the fall, and fully recovered from her insanity.

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