Synonym for mind brain head imagination psyche subconscious. mind synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'mind out',mind's eye',presence of mind',mindful', definition.

noun - brain . Thesaurasize - When you need a better mind thinking word. , intelligence, intellect, intellectual capabilities, mental capacity, brains, brainpower, wits, wit, powers of reasoning, powers of comprehension, powers of thought, understanding, reasoning, judgement, sense, mentality, perception, mental balance, mental faculties, senses, wits, reason, reasoning, judgement, rationality, thinker, brain, scholar, academic, intellectual, sage, desire, wish, urge, notion, fancy, disposition, intention, intent, will, aim, purpose, design, way of thinking, outlook, attitude, view, viewpoint, point of view, belief, judgement, thoughts, feeling, sentiment, persuasion, object, be annoyed, be bothered, be troubled, be upset, be offended, take offence, be affronted, be resentful, disapprove, resent it, dislike it, look askance, give a damn, care a toss, give a toss, care a hoot, give a hoot, give a monkey's, care a rap, give a rap, give a tinker's curse, give a tinker's damn, watch out for, look out for, beware of, take care with, be on one's guard for, be cautious of, be wary of, be watchful of, keep one's eyes open for, make sure, be sure that, make sure that, see, see that, take care that, be sure to, make sure to, don't forget to, take care to, take care of, keep an eye on, attend to, care for, tend, watch, have charge of, take charge of, guard, protect, take heed of, heed, pay heed to, attend to, take note of, take notice of, be heedful of, note, mark, concentrate on, listen to, observe, have regard for, respect, be mindful of, be careful, watch out, look out, beware, be on one's guard, be wary, be watchful, keep one's eyes open, be cautious, pay no attention to, don't worry about, don't concern yourself with, disregard, forget, don't take into consideration, don't give a second thought to, don't think twice about, forget it, don't worry about it, it doesn't matter, don't mention it, it's unimportant‘it never crossed his mind that this would upset her’, come to one, come to mind, spring to mind, enter one's head, enter one's mind, strike one, hit one, dawn on one, come into one's consciousness, suggest itself, rebuke, scold, reprove, reproach, chastise, castigate, upbraid, berate, read someone the Riot Act, haul over the coals, bawl out, blow up, give someone hell, give someone a talking-to, dress down, give someone a telling-off, give someone a dressing-down, give someone an earful, give someone a roasting, give someone a rocket, give someone a rollicking, give someone a row, tear someone a new arsehole, rip someone a new arsehole, tear someone a new asshole, rip someone a new asshole‘if you think I'll agree to this you must be out of your mind!’, insane, deranged, demented, not in one's right mind, non compos mentis, unbalanced, mad as a hatter, mad as a March hare, mental, off one's head, out of one's head, off one's nut, nuts, nutty, off one's rocker, not right in the head, not quite right in the head, round the bend, raving mad, bats, bonkers, cuckoo, loopy, loony, bananas, loco, with a screw loose, touched, gaga, off the wall, not all there, out to lunch, not right upstairs, batty, crackers, barking, barking mad, round the twist, off one's trolley, not the full shilling, away with the fairies, nutsy, nutso, out of one's tree, meshuga, squirrelly, wacko, think again, think twice, have second thoughts, review one's position, come round, in my view, as I see it, to my way of thinking, according to my way of thinking, from my standpoint, personally, in my estimation, in my judgement, in my book, for my money, if you ask me, cause to remember, recall, conjure up, suggest, evoke, summon up, call up, be uncertain, be unsure, be hesitant, be ambivalent, hesitate, waver, vacillate, dither, be on the horns of a dilemma, aim, plan, design, propose, purpose, aspire, desire, want, wish, set out, note, make a mental note of, be mindful of, do not forget, take into account, take into consideration, consider, take cognizance of, take note of, be cognizant ofThese Foreign Words And Phrases Are Now Used In EnglishDoes English Have More Words Than Any Other Language?Are You Learning English?

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