Unfortunately not really; you'll just have to figure that out on your own over time. Oh and yesterday me and our teo mutual froemds planned drinking and i didnt told her but it wasn’t anything that big we basically just went out and all. I am going through a really bad time in my life currently, and it really got me depressed because when I talk, no one listens. Nor have I used him to get to places. That is what I did when I had fake friends as a child.Recently I’ve found my close group of friends had cut me off. To be honest,I really cared and it hurted my feelings. They say things to embarrass or shame you in front of others.15.

In that sense, whether someone is a real or fake friend has little to do with how well you get along with them or how long you've known the person.

Answer please!my friend called me something and she put it under my b-day what does that meangreat hub, i have the same problem in my school like whenever i approach my freinds they just avoid me plus they always bring me down thanks for this i needed it :)Great Hub! I wanted to believe them but then i remembered that before yesterday i heard them with my own ears. Well, anyway I new her since about Kindergarten and I was always there for her when she needed it.

I look at these notes and I find I’m not a fake friend but rather, I was a really bad friend.

and talk behind my back.I have a friend who used to be really close to me about a year ago. Do they tap away on their phone while you're talking, do they change the subject, or do they just seem bored until you start talking about something directly related to them?Another way that you can tell that someone doesn't care about what you have to say is if they never reference something that you said in the past. This one girl at work can't wait for one of us to leave, so she can tell the other all the latest gossip about her or talk about her in a negative way.Another part that hit home to me was when you said you can also tell a fake friend when they have something else better to do.

We have been friends for more than 2 years. The problem isn't that they get along with someone else better; the problem is that they have no respect for your time and don't care about disappointing you.Do you feel that your friend only hangs around because they want something from you?While these are all things that you can give to a friend simply because you like them, if they are hanging out with you If someone is "friends" with you for any reason besides the fact that you are who you are, that's a tell-tale sign of a fake friend.Of course everyone wants to get their way all the time, but you can't always get exactly what you want. A few days ago I wasn’t going to tell my friends a funny incident that happen at the place we both went but she didnt let me. They tend to disappear when you need their friendship most.2. WooHoo Recommended for you.

You are!When you look at the assumptions your making, this could be the clue to mistakes you are making.In order to check that our instincts are wise, we need to ask ourselves what blanks we might be filling in, either consciously or unconsciously. I have ask others and their more helpful than her. She's been acting like a jerk for a week straight.

Also if they stare at you, try to ignore them (they do this to me and its really creepy), And no matter what, never let them back in.

Don't be too accommodating.

Are they fake too, even if they are/were true friends?is a fake friend someone that doesn't hang out with you or doesn't share with you if yes then I've had a friendi want to know if this one person is being very friendly to another person only so he can het help in studiesI was hanging out with my group of friends when we had a disagreement about the new kid. When i arrived, obe told me "They were talking about you" i replied immediatly "I don't care" and left quickly. Call them out on bad behavior. More importantly, they just don't care, so they will rarely if ever mention things that you told them in the past.A real friend listens to what you say. Which is quite annoying since they leave me before even getting to know me. I have been dealing with fake people for quite some time now!! 4:55. Or, in my case try to cause drama. I am ignoring her fake ass and dropping her for other friends.

Im tired of it.And finally, another thing that really caught my eye in this hub was your reference on when fake friends dont listen to you.

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