The Roys attempt to woo the Pierces by spending a weekend on the rival family grounds in "Tern Haven. But Kendall is ready: “Then you’re free!”It’s not a clear life path by any means, but the earnestness, excitement, and relief packed into Kendall’s words speaks volumes — and eventually proves the difference-maker. So the question then becomes: Was Kendall speaking from the heart, negotiating like a mother fucker, or a little bit of both?Answering that question illustrates the beauty of “Succession”; its high emotional intelligence shaded into biting and blunt satire of the white and wealthy. And she does. Any success in “Succession,” be it Waystar Royco or a specific Roy family member, is objectively bad. He's in a state of drugged confusion, where he tells her he loves her before pulling her hand to his crotch. Roman and Kendall do a "routine health check" of a new media brand to help Vaulter determine the future of the company; Tom tasks Greg with sniffing out waste at ATN; Connor and Willa host a soiree to mark their return to New York. Sounds like a great piece of fiction.I love the fact that the Roy siblings can't resist knocking each other down that they were fucking up the deal by making themselves look like idiots.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castPress J to jump to the feed. We’ve seen what happens when anyone schemes against Logan, and even if Kendall wins, the Roy media empire will still be controlled by an ignorant douchebag. The first time that I, Emily VanDerWerff, critic at large for Vox, watched “Tern Haven,” I dubbed it the best episode Succession has aired to date. Objectively speaking, the ending of “Tern Haven” is a win for the Roys. Logan’s toxic influence is all over the best episode of the season thus far. Granted, there are always so many good ones but I really enjoyed this.Leaving his the hall with his shirt untucked... there was a lingering pause and I was truly concerned for that cat.Makes you want to go back and listen to some of Roman’s quips and figure out whether or not he was being's take some balls to admit this and play it off like a joke and the look on Gerri's face was priceless.I’m pre-ordering my copy of The Electric Circus by Timothy Lipton now. Shiv, runs out, clearly disturbed, and I was left wondering if this bleariness is what Marcia was warning Shiv about, or if there’s a darkness to their past that’s unexplored and unspoken.I've had 4 surgeries and been out of my mind on Dilaudid and Oxy in recovery, but have never done that. All the while, the Pierces question whether a sale to Waystar Royco will tarnish their legacy. A recap of ‘Tern Haven,’ episode 5 of season 2 of Succession on HBO. But who will be crushed by their own opulence?

Shiv, Roman and Connor are tasked with carefully orchestrated roles, while Kendall takes a different approach, making his family's case to Naomi Pierce during a drug-filled night. Shiv, Roman and Connor veer from their roles at a weekend retreat to woo the Pierces. I'm new to the show and I couldn't find a discussion for this, especially in the episode discussion.I'm wondering what ya'll think about the part of the episode when Shiv gets past Marcia and get to her dad’s room.
I was rewatching season 2 episode 4, and noticed a fun little detail I hadn't picked up before. The Roys meet the Pierces in a clash of new vs. old money on the HBO show.
Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Where the Roys are all glass, steel, and swears, the Pierces are wood, candlelight, and classic literature. Do they even know what happiness is?Armstrong navigates skillfully between big picture satire, intense competition, and individual strife, tinkering with each until you’re invested in all of it. Watching the broken man masturbate into the corner of a dark bathroom, alone, is as embarrassing as it gets, even if he takes fake pride in it the following morning.Setting aside the perpetual (hilarious) embarrassment that is Connor Roy (Alan Ruck), Kendall took the title of Most Distressing Would-Be Successor, with a key caveat.

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