[Quill hesitates] 

Though he tolerated the God, he never quite adapted to his presence, building up a deep disdain for the blonde God of Thunder. [slowing starts moving his hand]  [Slams giant boulder into Thanos]  Sometimes Quill wished he didn't care as much as he does because it only ever seems to get him into trouble - well, this time, Thor into trouble. Expecting rejection and shame for his inability to be open and honest, the web-slinger soon learns just how open and loving the two older figures are, the wheels quickly turning as a threesome breaks out between the pent-up shipmates. Thor Odinson is a fictional character portrayed by Chris Hemsworth in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) film franchise, based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. Thor affectionately refers to Rocket as "rabbit" and the two share a relationship that's sort of similar to the one he had with Yondu in "GotG Vol. [touches Thor]  Hela. After all he was in a dangerous amount of pain. [Strange is sitting cross-legged in midair, using the Time Stone's power. [retracts his mask]  It’s been three months since Thor had invited himself on to Peter’s ship—three patronizing, undermining, superficial months. ... Thor : There are six stones out there. [Thanos has Gamora]  She accepts the responsibility gratefully and then asks Thor where he's going to go. That may have been a subtle hint at his decision to go with the Guardians later. HE STAYS!"

Falcon took over the Captain America mantle in the comics in 2014.Some weren't sure whether or not Bucky Barnes, who has also took on the role of Captain America in the comics for a time, may get the shield from Cap.Honestly, Tony Stark may not have been happy to know his father's shield was winding up in the hands of the man who murdered him while under mind control. [to Thanos]  )‘I just slept with Quill again,’ his mind supplies, ‘and this time I was completely sober.’Thor is down with this 'enemies with benefits' thing they have going on.
One of the doctors said, Thor looked at Quill who was making silly faces at their daughter. Marvel

Quill was squeezing Thor's hand hard enough to crack some of the bones, Thor clenched his teeth and let his lover do what he please.

Drax was equally impressed with Thor, the handsome "pirate angel." Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Chris Pratt as Peter Quill, Star-Lord. [Spoiler] 

Thor tells Valkyrie he's leaving his people of New Asgard (on Earth), and leaving her as its king. [notices Drax has been watching him and Gamora]  [Battle begins]  Seitdem brachte er ihm und seinem Bruder Loki bei, ein guter König dürfe niemals den Kampf suchen, müsse aber … "We don't know whether or not Thor will have another solo movie yet with director Taika Waititi. [teleports away with Gamora] (aka The Coffee Shop AU I never intended to write! Chr., bei der Thors Vater Odin die Erde vor einer neuen Eiszeit rettete. They were there in a record time of 5 minutes.The others were already waiting for them, after months of being with the Avengers Thor and Quill had requested the doctor to be there for the birth, with Bruce's consent of course- his curiosity has once again got the better of him. )Each ship has their own set of chapters and can pretty much be read by themselves if you prefer one pairing over the others!After the birth of Tony and Loki's twins, life seems like it's going to calm down. [Staring at the Guardians] 

Essentially, Thor says he's going on a journey to find himself and who he's supposed to be instead of continuing to try to be something he's not. Thor said to his brother as he, Loki and Quill were driven by to SHIELD Medical after the star lord started to have contractions. [points his blaster in Drax's face]  "Quill tapped the side Thor's head that had the fake eye, Thor letted out a chuckle and sighed.

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