Robinson fled the Fort Hood military base on June 30, 2020. The roach that killed that young lady was not only a degenerate but a coward that hid behind a uniform, just like many of those brainwashed uniform nothings that patrol the streets in this country. He’s dead good !SO SOME HISPANICS STILL WANNA PROTEST N RIOT N LOOT WITH BLACKS?What does this have to do with the current protests over police brutality against black people and minorities in general. Grow up. More females are raped by black male around the world, look at the facts and see they are the most predatorial people! US Army CID announces one military suspect is deceased after taking his own life yesterday in Killeen, Texas, and a civilian suspect has been arrested by the Texas Rangers in connection with the disappearance of Pfc.

There’s good people and bad people in every race!

That explains why they have the lowest IQ, underdeveloped just like their history and society, can’t even develop an advance society like the European and all Hispanics and Latinos are clean, none of them do the same, you are an idiot. So, these protests aren’t just about white on black police brutality. Go. Grow up and learn to comment intelligently.You are being silly and you’re spreading ridiculous hate. Why do we live in a country that will not even test their rape kits? Let’s name some white rapists so you can remember and sits da fuq down: Epstein, Weinstein, and a whole bunch of privileged white men too numerous to mention!Epstein and Weinstein are Jewish. An hour after midnight on July 1, 2020, he was found walking in the 4700 block of At 1:17 a.m. on July 1, 2020, Robinson was pronounced dead at the scene by The media refuses to put his picture up because he’s black. Aaron David Robinson while she was on duty in an armory room on Fort Hood, Texas , an attorney for the Guillen family said. Everyone’s needs to held accountable for her death. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Which is why people need to lol the facts, they are the public enemy. It’s just sad his cowardly punk ass took his life and left the dummy, Cecily, to take the fall all by herself. Now you want the Hispanics to rise up! You talk about black men, but your hypocrite racist white self won’t call on the rape, plunder and enslavement of generations of black people! !Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Women are not protected enough in the military. I don’t mean that in an abusive form for real, u just fit the definitionWhy should it surprise anybody that the turd is black? All men no matter what color their skin rape and abuse women ! Why are countries like China and Japan doing far better than the United States? – Robert KennedyThe Female not supposed to be in military beside medical staff. Look at China and Japan and see how advance they are and don’t have blacks in their society.

I’m going to bet a million bucks you didn’t say SHIT when one of your fellow white supremacists intentionally targeted Latinos at the El Paso Walmart terrorist attack. My point: Funny how white people like you sit back and point the finger, “see, look at these violent black people” when you created and continue to maintain the oppressive racist conditions that a lot of black men find themselves in today.

Guillen's family Albuquerque is 47% Hispanic, 42% White (non-Hispanic), and 3% black BTW. "The document states that Robinson enlisted Aguilar's help in disposing of the body.It further alleged that Aguilar recognized the deceased at a later time as Vanessa Guillen.However, the remains have not yet been formally identified as Guillen's.Aguilar now faces up to 20 years in prison with a maximum $250,000 fine.She will remain in custody as she awaits her initial court hearing, which is expected to take place early next week.Guillen was seen in the parking lot at Regimental Engineer Squadron Headquarters, 3rd Cavalry Regiment on the Fort Hood base.Her car keys, ID card, wallet, and barracks key were later found at her work - but she has not been seen since.Initially, 500 soldiers a day were searching nearby for the missing soldier - and now the US Army’s Criminal Investigation Command has taken over.Commander Colonel Ralph Overland said the number one mission of the 3rd Cavalry Regiment is to find Guillen, local "We are working with CID and law enforcement and we will not stop.

As much as you hate whites, you are living off of their culture fried chicken (Scottish), music, technology, fashion, the list goes ownNice try. Black men rape more women far more than the 5% of the population who is black and male. We all depend on each other in this world to survive, every race in this world works in our food supply that keeps us alive. Aaron David Robinson was named as a suspect in the disappearance of Fort Hood … This is making a big problem.What all you people need to do is stop the hate and racism.

Disgusting racist man.Tell me, how was it the media wasn’t trying to put up his face cause he’s black when the media just learned of his identity today? If you want to know the truth, then just wait for it. But, she deserves all that she gets because if you show me a body, I’m reporting you right then!! You talk about black men, but your hypocrite racist white self won’t call on the rape, plunder and enslavement of generations of black people! Why is that? He did not kill her because she was Hispanic, he wanted to get in her pants and she probably said no.Not everyone who wears a uniform is worthy of admiration.So you’re just a little prick who’s out to race bait, how about you STFU.Very true! If they found dirt on Aaron Robinson Fort Hood, then his family’s reputation will suffer as he belongs to a very prosperous family.

I know, because I searched for him hours after her remains were found.

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