Hinami confesses that seeing Akira makes her remember her parents' deaths and breaks down as she cannot bring herself to meet Akira. After the timeskip, Akira has become much more open about showing her emotions to others, as she does throughout her conversation with Some time later, as Akira was visiting her father's grave to tell him about her promotion to Rank 1 and her assignment to mentor a junior said to be an oddity among investigators. The two first crossed paths when Amon saved Saiko from Shikorae, though Amon left before Saiko could even know who he was or thank him. goes all out on the holidays - Akira.

Going to enjoy some curry, she met with Amon. He respected him greatly and learned a lot from him.

Being a classmate of Akira's mother, Kiyoko cares for Akira's wellbeing.

Kanou knew plenty about Amon, including his upbringing as a ghoul's foster son and his reputation as an excellent investigator. Kasuka and Akira shared a loving mother and daughter relationship. Once Kaneki's body was retrieved from Dragon, Amon and Akira were part of the group of people who went to visit Kaneki directly, while he was unconscious. Sasaki resolved to ask "him" about the information Amon left behind in his drafts.During Sasaki's questions about Amon, he learned of Amon's double promotion to Special Class after his presumed death.In a hooded cloak, Amon observed events from a distance, with his kakugan active in his right eye.They swiftly attacked him strategically from all sides, however an error occurred, allowing him to use the opening to knock Severely injured, Amon transformed into a giant kakuja, retaliating the attack while decimating both Hsiao and Urie.

She states she handled much of the housework for their family, while her father was shown to be a devoted and even doting parent. Akira is caring towards her underling Mutsuki and is shown to be worried when Mutsuki is assigned a tough position to infiltrate enemy lines during the Auction. Like most ghoul investigators, Amon usually wore a black suit with tie.

Saiko then asked why Amon saved her back then, to which he replied it was the right thing to do. After losing her mother at a young age, Akira and her father develop a very close bond. Hide worked under Amon and Akira when he joined the CCG, running errands for him such as buying lunch.

Akira remains professional in most situations, no matter who she is faced with, and she is not one to admit her own feelings on a subject unless provoked to a certain degree. Before she could give in to the fatigue, Takizawa stepped in and impaled his other arm with a blade of his own. This change is best exemplified by Amon's neutral even friendly stance with Touka Kirishima despite her being the person who killed his mentor, Kureo Mado. Amon is a very tall, handsome young man with black hair and teal eyes.

Upon meeting Touka, Akira remarked that Touka was as twisted as she thought she was and that she still has a reason to hold her grudge.

If he left for an investigation, he additionally wore a white overcoat on top of his suit. He left her and shortly after she was visited by After her encounter with Hinami, she went to meet with Kaneki. The same robed figure mentioned by Donato stood over a dying ghoul, who called out "While searching through the archives for information on the Eyepatch ghoul, Sasaki stumbled across draft reports written by Amon.

He lived a peaceful and happy life in a Catholic orphanage, cared for by the priest, At twelve years old, Amon was found in the basement of the orphanage by Because he felt guilty for Mado's death, Amon became obsessed with his job. Akira was subsequently operated by the members of the Some time later, she awakened from a sleep, which she noted were becoming more frequent. After Amon and Takizawa have been reported dead she ends up confessing that she really cared for her superior Amon and her old school rival Takizawa.

His opponents quickly dodged and, without wasting time, lunged and slashed at him in an X-formation.

Years later, he wears a cloak with a hood, and an outfit with a high collar underneath.

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