Tags #chocosenpai #a… You looked away in embarrassment. You flashed him a small smile before you heard a subtle 'not fair’ from Pierce. A smirk formed on his face as he began to slow his pace, eventually stopping altogether. . As long as you were with Asch, nothing else mattered but him.A tightening feeling built up within the pit of your stomach. InquisitorMaster 124,019 views. They begin to search for her. . You’re pretty content with your life… until a handsome demon named Rhys sweeps you off your feet.. Word count: 2760 The college life was not at all like you expected it to be. It didn’t take long to reach your destination: the fountain. If you already have an account, Log in. His hand traveled from your waist to your already-loose tie, tugging it off. I made a My Inner Demons AU called the Inverted AU, where the characters looks, personalities, and abilities are completely swapped (this is not an original idea I stole it from the bnha fandom, don’t kill me).I’ve posted some pics on Instagram, have a book on it on Wattpad, and have decided to expand my reach to Tumblr (famous last words). If I’m going to be your prisoner, then we’re gonna have to lay down some ground rules!” Ava turned to each of the demons. You were his, and he was yours, together you would rule Daemos — when the time came, of course — and Earth along with it. He left a mark, a message to everyone in this world: you belonged to him. Legends say that if you’re lucky enough, your wish will come true.” You tried your best to explain to him a rather childish concept.

“Hey pretty lady whata you doin here?” He coos sickeningly sweet.

It needed to be said. He, in many ways, was like your equal. “This is a fountain, I’m sure you’ve had something similar to this in Daemos…” you reached into your pocket for two quarters.
“Hello.” Pierce said simply. He knows little about them. Would you like me to refrain?” You couldn’t believe it, the daemos prince asked for consent? You went out of his life as swiftly as you came into it.

Sign up with Facebook Sign up with Google. !” Your outburst came as a surprise to Rhys, who stood there on the sidewalk, watching you knock some kid over to order the goods. . You sensed this, and began: “Humans throw coins into wells or fountains and make a wish.
Upon entering, their eyes were met with a myriad of colourful fish gracefully gliding through the water effortlessly. ... My name might be Tamara is best girl BUT Rhys and Noi ARE BEST BOYS. First your bra, letting your chest free. He felt vulnerable around you; his cold façade melted when you were with him. Something was on your mind… Asch stepped closer to you, his mind hazy from the sight of you. Lately….your feelings toward him seemed to have… changed? You did “That’s because it was a test from the sorceress and I passed again.” A smug look washed over Rhys’s face. And while you cared for them they were still a huge pain in the A S S. Especially Asch the hot headed prince, hes been the biggest pain since you moved in and you’ve had to spend a FORTUNE on bras since he was bent on destroying your ‘source of power’ and you would be DAMMED if you were gonna explain bras real use to a full grown man. It’s part of my magical ability to talk to woodland creatures.” He explained. His hands roamed the rest of your body, exploring every crack and crevice. It took you a moment to think of what to say.“Sorry,” your eyes soften, “I couldn’t help it. “actually make that two, I deserve it after those dang professors decided to torture me with–” you shuddered “– math, ew…”The clerk turned around with your ice cream. Aschs other hand layed on the now smoking table. The feeling of his throbbing length was torture. It’s just from my homewo-” Mrs. Oats winked at you again.“ah, I was young once too. I have something for Jake…” You trailed off before returning to the bedroom as Ava followed you. Perhaps you weren’t happy with your major? The blindfold was soon removed, as Asch’s face filled your vision as he removed his hand from your cheek. !”“Did we never tell you? They scanned their ticket-bracelets on the machine and made their way inside the giant aquarium. You found sanctuary in his body.How long has it been since the two of you started? The first time was so great, but she knows what not to do now: take her eyes off them. He took note of the male behind you before excitedly remarking: “oh, it’s for a friend! Her attention was pulled from the blanket when she heard Noi say something.“Wow Leif!” Noi said, excitedly, “I never knew forest spirits liked you so much!”When Ava turned around, her mouth dropped open. Your breathing deepened. So here you were at your local bar and grill with your favored fiery boy.“So what are you getting Asch?” You hum looking over to catch him starinf at you intently grey orbs smoldering intensely. ?” You gasp looking over to see a strange man smiling down at you. You were to busy scolding him to take in the fact that you still had a hold of his hand. listen i know we’ve only had 2 episodes out so far but i love him- Your presence was intoxicating, you were his drug.

“Did you make a wish?”“I did,” he replied. “We’re not sure exactly, nobody is. And it had sure he was more complient even if he did still complain at least it got done. Not wanting to deal with the hassle of renting a dorm, you become roommates with Ava. To your luck, The Ice cream truck was right there, calling your name.“ICE CREAM!! And it soon came as warmth filled inside you. Your wish won’t come true if you tell it to others…” you quickly explained, offering him a lukewarm smile.

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