Trends in this year’s noir releases include a revival of PI stories and classic hard-boiled tales of the “starts bad, gets worse” type; rural noir continued to make a strong showing, while procedurals featured a wide variety of protagonists, arrayed along a vast scale of crooked to incorruptible. In the right hands, it’s a masterful piece of world-building and an incredible thrill for readers. Joseph Knox, who’s worked as a bookseller for many years, uses his debut to both showcase his intimate knowledge of the genre and making his own unique stamp on modern noir. Fernandez is a haunted figure, but never a cliche.

Her latest, Her gritty portrait of desperate lives in the criminal underworld of North Florida is a fine addition to the already-substantial canon of Florida crime fiction.Aya de Leon writes scintillating heist novels full of quick turns, high action, and low deeds, and her Justice Hustlers series, featuring a stripper collective who rob the rich as their day job, is notable for both its unique set up and its powerful female figures. From gritty historical noir set in Belfast, to modern procedurals engaging with first world problems, to psychological thrillers exploring the timeless tensions within families and communities, Irish crime writing, like all fiction, works hard to tell a gamut of human stories. Oliver himself has a few scores to settle, as a setup put him in jail and lost him his badge. Alan Parks burst onto the international scene with his harder-than-hard-boiled novel of borderline-vigilante cops and dastardly deeds, set to a perfect backdrop of the sounds and…er…razed tenements of 1970s Scotland. “The Big Sleep” by Raymond Chandler. Noir. Oliver’s Brooklyn is a tumult of gentrification, transplants, and old timers still working hustles to make some money off the borough’s new development while clinging to their old grudges. Noir again. Noir. Small Crimes by Dave Zeltserman (2008) A lot of noir protagonists fall into their predicament by bad … To make our selection process more reader-friendly, we divided our selections into three categories: Private Eyes, Police / Procedural, and that most ineffable, expansive, and existential of labels: straight-up Noir. Whatever kind of reading you like best in life, you can find your match in a good noir detective novel. A modern example of a lighter, more mystery- than violence-centric noir, Grafton’s debut Kinsey Millhone novel has all the classic noir elements, from the unfaithful spouse to the false accusations, the frame-ups, betrayals, and smart dialogue. Hill, Jackson, and Rizzuto seem to know 1930s L.A. like the back of their hands, and readers get to tag along as they meander down every side street and corner store Marlowe passes in the course of his investigation. And Segura is the author to take it all on. Like all of Mosley’s best work, this is a story about justice, knowledge, speaking truth to power, and the unseen entanglements that conspire to keep the little guy down.Sara Gran is known as an author’s author, and the whole mystery community cheered when she returned to the genre after a hiatus writing for prestige television. His traumas and addictions are all his own, and in Sure it makes sense to put Raymond Chandler on a list of the year’s best noir, but really we’re giving the nod here to the editors of this impressive new edition, which is a noir-lover’s dream—a learned and endlessly engaging piece of scholarship that supplies every bit of context you could ever want for this Chandler classic. Merriam-Webster defines noir as “ crime fiction featuring hard-boiled cynical characters and bleak sleazy settings.” (Yes, it’s also the French word for “black.”) It’s a fantastic, atmospheric subset of the mystery genre, if fatalistic fiction (almost always) featuring femme fatales is your idea of fun. Building out a noir vision of the American southwest, Post continues to distinguish herself as a stunning new voice in Floridian noir with her second to feature Judah Cannon and his ever-complicated kith and kin.

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