No feasibility study has been conducted to ensure the most appropriate location. She asks very good questions,  consolidating the Mayor’s committment and pushing for progress. Brunel is perhaps best remembered for designs for the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol. The Rotherhithe Tunnel was built in 1908 and was not designed to cope with modern levels of traffic. “This really is pressing for me. These restrictions help to ensure that road users can continue to use the tunnel safely while we work on plans for the tunnel's future. It’s thought that a further consultation will be held later in the year, which will keep local residents informed of developments and allow them to comment on the proposed designs.Speak to one of our experts and get a free quote. Click here now!Sign up to receive all of our latest news and events straight to your inbox. The proposed £88m project would see a pedestrian and bike bridge built by 2020 and slash commutes by twenty minutes.MP Neil said: “With a new Mayor [Sadiq Khan], his sole focus on London and his new energy for the role, I hope to see the commitment to the Rotherhithe bridge delivered.”We are delighted to note that Caroline Pidgeon is elected Chair of the London Assembly Transport Committee. The bridge will also play a critical role in reducing pressure on the overcrowded Jubilee Line, especially between Surrey Docks and Canary Wharf.”“…. Please send to the editor. The movable span rotates about a central point. We expect to undertake the competitive procurement process for a design and build partner in the autumn.”“Welcome news that Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf bridge is on track”Assurances that the much needed pedestrian and cycle bridge between Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf is on schedule and could be open to the public by 2020 or 2021 were obtained by Liberal Democrat London Assembly Member Caroline Pidgeon, at August’s Mayor’s Question Time.The Mayor also confirmed that he expects major landowners in the nearby area, who will benefit from the bridge, to contribute to the project, alongside funding from TfL.Following today’s Mayor’s Question Time at City Hall Caroline Pidgeon said:“The case for the Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf pedestrian and cycle bridge is stronger than ever. You can spot the original 1620 mooring point of the Pilgrim Father’s Mayflower ship, warm yourself by the open fire and imagine who may have been sitting in your … Any procurement of design will be undertaken in a completely transparent way with full engagement with the market.A well deserved win for the ReForm/Elliot Wood design (“The Peoples Choice winner celebrates the will of two communities to have a link across the river. To save space,  we show selective quotations;  see the original source for the complete article quoted.On 4 October 2016 you were quoted as stating that this bridge would go ahead with potential delivery during 2020We think you will agree that there is a huge and embarrassing gap between this statement and reality because not only has TfL failed to deliver,  it has wasted several years and £13M going around in circles achieving nothing – and even after all that effort we understand the proposed design isn’t even approved by the PLA.The cancellation of the bridge was eventually driven by the headline worst case costing of £602M,  which looks to many more like a politically expedient device to cancel the project than a genuine costing exercise.We also state 12 compelling reasons why a ferry is not an adequate alternative – a position amply supported by TfL’s own evaluations which originally eliminated the ferry in favour of a bridge.We need a “can do attitude” to deliver this iconic and economically vital green transport link – to borrow a phrase: “lets get the bridge done”Head of Major Projects Sponsorship, Surface TransportIn response to a draft of our new front page where we request his response to that and a number of specific questions:In summary, TfL has a robust cost estimating process, which follows the principles accepted and applied by other major clients and market leaders in our sector. Brunel Bridge "Rotherhithe Bridge" – Proposed bridge over the Thames between Canary Wharf and Rotherhithe Menu Skip to content. We will take our work on design, construction and operational plans to a logical end point to ensure that this can be reviewed and picked up again in the future.We will provide a further update once our proposals for a ferry service have progressed. A bridge linking Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf would enable thousands of cleaner and healthier journeys to be made each day. We need to establish the right solution first and some options could be delivered more quickly than others. As it stands at present, the Rotherhithe (or Brunel) Bridge looks set to be constructed in 2022, with a planning application due to be submitted next year. They are calling it the Brunel Bridge. Rotherhithe’s roads are highly congested.

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