A lot of C-section or caesarean deliveries happen as a result of a complication or unforeseen circumstances. Never eat foods that may develop gas: It is extremely important you take care of your diet during the first few days and make sure you avoid any kind of food that may cause gas formation. Caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea and energy drinks should be avoided as they can enter the breast milk and affect your baby’s sleep.Low-fat dairy products such as skimmed milk, low-fat yoghurt and cheese provide a good dose of protein, calcium and vitamins B and D. These minerals are essential for nursing mothers, and at least 500ml of dairy products should be consumed daily.While all fruits and vegetables are beneficial for new mothers, green veggies are especially good as they are loaded with vitamins, iron and calcium.

You should also consume 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.Liquids such as calcium-fortified drinks, low-fat yoghurt and milk improve your breast milk supply, which is an essential component of the baby’s daily diet. Just like the list of recommended foods, there are food items that should be avoided after delivery.Following are some basic tips to be kept in mind in regards to your diet to get the best out of what you eat:The time after a C-section delivery can be difficult and challenging. Iron also aids in the functioning of the immune system. According to the Dietary Guidelines published by the US Department of Agriculture and endorsed by the American Dietary Association, new mothers who are breastfeeding require a daily intake of an additional 500K calories.

Parenting.Firstcry.com accepts no liability for any errors, omissions or misrepresentations. The process of delivery by The diet of the mother after delivery becomes very important not only because it aids in her speedy recovery, but also because she needs to In addition to providing good nutrition to the baby and assisting in healing the mother’s body, a good diet is also important for proper digestion and easy bowel movements that don’t strain the abdomen.

Drinking plenty of fluid after your C-section can help relieve constipation and other bowel problems. During breastfeeding, 250 to 350 mg of calcium is transferred to the new-born baby.Whole grain foods such as pasta, brown bread and brown rice should form a part of your diet as they are rich in carbohydrates that help maintain energy levels and breast milk production. Liquids such as coconut water, low-fat milk, non-citrus juices, herbal teas, buttermilk and soup are good sources of essential nutrients. All rights reserved. Here are some important things that are a BIG NO after you have undergone a C section: 1. Should you have any concerns about your health, or of that of your baby or child, please consult with your doctor. The right diet is essential in aiding recovery while providing the required nutrition for breastfeeding. Besides beans, spinach and broccoli, it is a good idea to include lotus stems and fenugreek in a meal plan.

Mothers experiencing sleepless nights and irritation in the morning should start their day with a whole grain cereal breakfast.Vitamins are rich in antioxidants and help in repairing tissues. Since you will not be able to do much of any physical activity, it is important to control what you eat and avoid consuming anything that will take a long time to digest and increase fatigue. A good, nutritious diet can help you recuperate from surgery and keep you and your baby healthy.Diet After C-section Delivery – Foods to Eat and Avoid Although common, a C-section involves major stomach surgery.. Enriched whole grain products have iron, fibre and folic acid which are essential in the early stages of development of the baby. Good fluid intake helps smoothen bowel movements and aids in post-surgery recovery. However, after a C-section, as a new mother, you will have to take care of her little one as well.

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