It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. The commission assures charities that they will be as flexible and supportive as possible with regard to regulation during this period. Posted on 13 March 2020 .

Published 16 March 2020 From: Charities that need an extension to their annual return deadline due to the coronavirus pandemic should contact the Charity Commission, the regulator has said.

‘Charities can feel confident that we will, where possible, act in a pragmatic way by taking account of the wider public interest during this unprecedented period.’ As an immediate step, charities that are due to submit an annual return imminently, but feel unable to do so, are asked to call the Commission to request a filing extension. As an immediate step, charities that are due to submit an annual return imminently, but feel unable to do so, are being advised to contact the Charity Commission to request a filing extension.

Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Charities. Please be advised, after October 31, 2018 initial application for Charities Registration will be mandatory.The online filing for Charities renewal registration became mandatory on May 1, 2018.

The guidance summarises the key considerations and set out some practical steps for understanding your charity's financial position, creating a plan and making decisions.Keep up to date with all the latest coronavirus-related news affecting the charity sector.Government guidance to help with running your charity during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.Charities across the UK will receive a £750 million package of support to ensure they can continue their vital work during the coronavirus outbreak, Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced.Statement and news from funding organisations and trusts regarding the coronavirus situation.The Greater London Authority and the City Bridge Trust have contributed £1m each to launch a new fund to support London’s voluntary sector.This list features funding to help individuals affected, charities hit by a drop in income, and to support medical research into tackling or ameliorating the virus.Civil Society News has collated some of the funding being made available for charities during the Covid-19 pandemic.A summary of some of the actions charitable foundations have taken in response to the COVID-19 emergency.The Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies (CICs) has robust plans in place to maintain services for CICs and protect the welfare of employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.A quick guide for trustees and directors of public service mutuals and co-operatives concerned about solvency and wondering how to approach it in the immediate crisis caused by the coronavirus shutdown.This brief guide to trustee meetings aims to help you get the procedure right while procedures cannot be currently followed to the letter of the law.Six online training modules covering the duties, obligations, operational and strategic considerations of trustees.To support its members and the wider sector, Charity Tax Group has collated relevant guidance and announcements to inform charities during on Covid-19Information on how you can volunteer to help and support others during the coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic.Information for volunteers wanting to help London's communities including a list of The Small Charities Coalition are maintaining a list of charities that are currently operating and in need of volunteers.ICAEW accepts no responsibility for the content on any site to which a hypertext link from this site exists. The Charity Commission updates its guidance on Serious Incident Reporting to trustees to cover the context of COVID-19 including its financial impact on may charities.

"We have been discussing the impact of the current situation with government and the sector and will continue to do so over the coming days.

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