The first was how to regulate carbon markets. As with current internal American political issues, the world situation is muddied by an excess of hyperbole and a deficit of specifics. In the COP24 conference no agreement could be reached on this topic. The idea is that learners will form cross school/sector teams to represent countries in a Climate Change negotiation scenario. These pupils would form 10 teams of five pupils each, representing a mix of schools. These pupils would form 10 teams of five pupils each, representing a mix of schools.The event is appropriate for Year 10 / Year 11 school pupils. The idea is that learners will form cross school/sector teams to represent countries in a Climate Change negotiation scenario.

UN Climate Action Summit 2019. Negotiations – countries make representations and pledge emission reductions. “The international community lost an important opportunity to show increased ambition on mitigation, adaptation and finance to tackle the climate crisis” stated UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. Others, like China, agreed only to keep increasing their carbon emissions until 2030 and then begin decreasing.

These pupils would form 10 teams of five pupils each, representing a mix of schools.This will take the form of a whole group presentation, activities in groups and in ICT rooms.4.

Writing pledges and speeches (2 minute speech per country)6.

Greta Thunberg was among the speakers at the UN climate change conference in Madrid in early December. Bilateral talks between groups to negotiate pledges7. Over the last 10 years, I developed a sub-specialty in energy issues, including renewable energy and oil and gas development and leasing. The plans would need to include specifically stating where solar power installations and other green energy producers would be located, where the additional power lines that will be needed would be constructed, what elements would be needed to produce, store and transmit energy, where and how the waste from such a massive shift in power production would be disposed, etc.Without that level of specificity, international climate negotiators are being asked to structure their nations’ futures around an energy world that might not even be feasible, and if feasible might be impossibly expensive or actually less helpful to the environment than the world we have right now. Climate negotiations at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Madrid ended in failure last Sunday. The last part of the Paris regime that remains to be resolved is Article 6, which describes rules for a carbon market and other forms of international cooperation. The UN Climate Change Conference COP 25 (2 – 13 December 2019) took place under the Presidency of the Government of Chile and was held with logistical support from the Government of Spain. The second was to assess liability for damage caused by rising temperatures. All of this played out in Madrid last week. Climate negotiations at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Madrid ended in failure last Sunday. These pupils would form 10 teams of five pupils each, representing a mix of schools.This project is inspired by the Paris Climate Change negotiations, agreed in December 2015, which are part of the new GCSE Geography Specification. International Climate Negotiations - Issues at stake in view of the COP 25 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid, Study for the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety of the European Parliament, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, Luxembourg, 2019.

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