He built the Cremorne Pleasure Gardens that gave the suburb its name.Businessman and entrepreneur who developed English style pleasure gardens at Cremorne.English-style pleasure garden on Cremorne Point opened in 1856.Area of Sydney's central business district that surrounds the quays built on reclaimed land from the 1830s.Syndicate formed to attempt zoning changes at Cremorne to allow development of a foreshore reserve.Highest court in New South Wales, which presides over the most serious and important criminal and civil cases.Skilful barrister and member of the Legislative Council who was an active member of the Jewish community and served as Agent General for New South Wales in London in 1899-1900.Clergyman and geologist who acted as scientific adviser to the government during the gold rushes.State government department responsible for food and fibre industries, natural resources including fisheries and forests, and energy and mineral resources.Coal mining company which became enmeshed in the battle to mine Cremorne Point.

As with many such localities, this encouraged residents to pursue leisure activities in their own backyard.The point's residents created a harbour pool at Shell Cove on the eastern edge of Cremorne Point. WOCHENTAG …

It's a beautiful reserve at the Point, well maintained with lovely parks and gardens and this walk toThe shortish walk includes ferry stops at either end and cafes for a break. Long inhabited by the Gadigal, Cammeraygal, Wangal and Eora people, Port Jackson was renamed by Captain Cook in 1770, although his ship did not enter the Heads.Tip of the headland between Shell Cove and Mosman Bay on Sydney's north shore.Scottish watchmaker who was appointed curator of government clocks and astronomical instruments and took up land at Cremorne Point in 1833.Convict transport which arrived via Hobart in 1822 with 102 female convicts and 17 families to settle in the colonies.Governor of New South Wales between 1821 and 1825 who focused on consolidation rather than expansion of settlement and attempted to carry out Bigge's recommendations with regard to civil administration and the management of convicts.Former soldier who was a popular early Governor of New South Wales between 1831 and 1837, he is generally considered enlightened or progressive in his reforms, especially in relation to the judicial process, the treatment of emancipists and convicts, and religion. Old Cremorne Ferry Wharf 22. cite web | url = http://dictionaryofsydney.org/entry/cremorne_point | title = Cremorne Point | accessdate = This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of Horizontal Waterfalls described by David Attenborough as ‘the 8th Natural Wonder of the World.’

Buccaneer Archipelago, home to 1,000 islands made of Precambrian sandstone over 2 billion years old.

Koolan and Cockatoo Island, home to the world's richest iron ore deposits.

Explore Kooljaman at Cape Leveque with refreshments and a swim.

Views are just amazing - lovely to explore these bays on foot.With all the controversy over the Harbour Trust and maintaining public access, it is so good that people over 100 years ago had the foresight to preserve and protect this area. Believed to have initially been the work of the Olympic swimmer and Cremorne Point resident Frederick Lane, the pool was maintained for and by the locals, in particular, This was not the only rock pool constructed around that time, as swimming was a typical summer pastime, and such pools not only provided relief from Sydney's hot summer days, but also protected swimmers from the dangers of the harbour.In the late 1920s and early 1930s, governments became more aware of health issues regarding harbourside pool hygiene.

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