“It was a Brennan operation,” he says in the audio. This is a forum for free thinking, not hate speech. made her statement.Claims the DNC was hacked would imply the NGP VAN was stolen, not Podestas gmail account, which was phished by a server in the Netherlands, named after a county in New Zealand and pretended to be google.THAT was most certainly not done by Seth Rich and the most likely culprit is the grandstanding Kimdotcom.So... Maybe that informs you a little better on Seth Rich. You seem to be a little behind the curve.Would make sense to send a lackey for a job like this. Couch writes – “An inside source with knowledge of what occurred at the hospital on the early morning of July 10, 2016, has revealed former DNC Chairperson Donna Brazile and DC Mayor Muriel Bowser arrived shortly after EMTs had delivered the injured victim for emergency treatment of two gunshot wounds to the torso. People would see and remember them.How much did they have to lose might be the better question.Not really. Hersh goes on to say that that he has a narrative about how Russiagate began. Soon after the three lawsuits were filed, Amanda Marcotte published this story: “This seems like an awful lot of effort to quell a silly conspiracy theory.

All the other stuff hinges on this one allegation. While the firms involved claim they’re litigating on a “volunteer” basis, it strains credulity to imagine that three formidable litigation firms just happened to all “volunteer” simultaneously to silence Ed Butowsky.
One thing is for sure, if it turns out that the DNC emails were leaked by a disgruntled employee rather than hacked by Russian military intelligence officers of the GRU, the entire media establishment and DNC will owe it to America to come clean and do it fast. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Additionally, she briefly served as the interim chairperson for the Democratic National Committee in spring 2011. Discovery should also allow Butowsky to request production of documents supporting his claim. **Our intentions are aimed towards a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone. It’s one thing to read an allegation in a lawsuit. If you said Jeffrey Epstein is a pedophile that would be defamatory only if it weren’t true. Reading between the lines, it seems possible that as the sister of a lawyer representing Julian Assange, Ratner might be concerned about violating attorney-client privilege rather than “family privilege” if she was privy to private conversations between her brother and Assange.Not included in the lawsuit is the backstory of how legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh became involved. With Attorney General Robert Barr’s declassification of Russiagate documents, these records could soon be available through FOIA request.

Two of the three suits brought against him were dismissed in ways that would be embarrassing for any law firm, let alone these white shoe operations “volunteering” their time. They could depose Ratner, Joel Rich or Aaron Rich.

One says a vast Russian conspiracy did it with Yosemite Sam memes posted to Facebook, and Russian government hackers who stole email from the DNC to embarrass Hillary Clinton by showing the lengths to which establishment Democrats went to undermine the candidacy of Bernie Sanders. Much of the new information rests on his claimed discussions with Ellen Ratner, and how she supposedly came upon the new information from Assange. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services.

Respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. In the audio, Hersh says he has a source in the FBI who read the FBI’s cyber unit file on Seth Rich showing that he’d been in contact with Wikileaks, that he’d sent Wikileaks sample emails, and that he asked Wikileaks for an amount of money in exchange for access to a Dropbox that contained the data. A lot of people predicted something like this, so it will serve to inform us as to who is reliable and who is not.Web of Slime predictions have been more accurate than Q over the last two years.Ask yourself this question being so late at night when he was shot how did they know that it was Seth Rich and what hospital to go to this should raise some eyebrows.The claims in the title of this post are fabricated.We'll see, but I'd read the timeline shared by couch before dismissing it so quickly.What evidence do you have that the claims are fabricated?

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