I like that their form is directly on the page and that it only has one field.

FreeWrite highlights their integrations in one section, which provides credibility and also reduces uncertainty through familiar logos. There’s a subtle directional cue (a small yellow button with an arrow) that floats on the bottom right of the window, guiding users to the next section of the page.

On their coming soon page they combine the allure or early access to their app with a chance to win a prize valued at $100:As humans, we're naturally drawn towards things that are exclusive and scarce. at the top are cute, but the copy accompanying them is what really matters. The page then presents the solution to these common problems: WorkWeek.The next section presents the product’s value proposition, along with several examples of businesses that may be able to benefit from WorkWeek.

The final section of this coming soon landing page is pretty good - it only asks for email address, and also features an “Industry” dropdown so WorkWeek can gain more information about the intent of its users. When it comes to spending money, people want to know exactly what’s going to happen to it. Follow him on Twitter @mayoshrimp.Start creating online marketing campaigns for your business with Wishpond’s 14-day free trial. Justice Minister Jacques Toubon said a decision was due very soon. Zova’s coming soon landing page builds up this problem and dismisses other solutions that usually don’t work for page visitors.Then it presents a solution, making it sound as enticing as possible to keep readers interested. (disappear, fade) " We will finish the project soon. " Very soon the green, pointed buds showed signs of opening. It’s not an expensive product or subscription service - it’s a simple blogging platform.

This could be anything from a discount, exclusive content, in app features, community access, etc.The important thing to know is that while countdown clocks are effective, they are only effective if the clock is counting down to something.Take a look at this example where the countdown clock is counting down to when users will lose access to a special in app perk.Combined with an offer, a countdown clock like this can help put some pressure on your users and increase the number of people converting on your pre-launch landing page.If you're even thinking about putting up a coming soon page, it's likely because whatever it is that you're offering isn't quite finished yet.If this is the case, try using a survey from companies like You can then take this information back to your development team and make adjustments according to how your users respond.Adding this simple survey box can be a good first step in generating feedback about what people actually want, in order to prevent developing a product that doesn't stick.A coming soon page is great, but you won’t be able to generate leads effectively if your potential customers don’t know what to expect.It can be tough to put together a cohesive coming soon page without a finished product, but you should at least know what your product is built to achieve - sharing this with your customers can increase confidence, reduce uneasiness, and help you generate additional leads.This is an awesome coming soon page example.

It features a phone with Poppins on the screen, which immediately establishes what the product is, along with the clear headline. It presents three common problems small business owners might face, which instantly makes the page relatable. It’s a clever way to capture lead information, as it asks you something product-related before asking for your email. The doodles (sketches? The CTA is bold, contrasting, and action-oriented, literally telling potential leads that they’ll be “in the loop” if they click.As always, I love the countdown timer because it creates urgency in viewers and does a great job in getting them to act immediately in fear of missing out on the offer.

I like the simple above-the-fold section, featuring a screenshot of the platform and a simple one-field form that has an action-oriented CTA.

This is a crispy, crispy coming soon page example. This coming soon landing page is beautiful - it’s tastefully animated and gorgeously designed. And very soon, also they stop seeing each other like real persons. The “learn more” button has a bouncing mouse animation above it, which entices viewers into scrolling down and learning more about the product.The “Prototype without coding” section is incredibly effective because it allows page visitors to see how the app might work once it’s launched. Linking to social platforms is also an awesome way to keep potential conference guests engaged before the event.This screenshot really doesn’t do this coming soon landing page justice. They can help keep your domain branded while at the same time helping to generate a targeted list of early adopters interested in your product.Here's an example of a well-optimized coming soon page from CloudResize that has all of these elements.But once you've done your standard conversion rate optimization for your coming soon page, you might be left wondering "OK, so how can I get even more out of my coming soon page? I hope that the centre we are discussing today will very soon become operational. "That's what this article will get into.

Very Soon synonyms. I would’ve liked an action-oriented CTA like “Give me updates!”, but really, I’m nitpicking. This page is great because its design is dictated by the size of the offer. Coming soon pages can help build excitement around your brand prior to your launch. The top section of the page uses social proof (“25 pre-ordered so far”), creates urgency (“14 days left to claim”), and mentions the price, which is often plays a big role in decision-making. Kevin is the VP of Marketing at Wishpond.

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