This destructive process makes Drax the UKs single largest carbon emitter, yet despite this Drax receives £789.5 million in renewable subsidies per year. The official organisation has stressed that it is not holding any gatherings during the UK lockdown. Groups across the North of England are coming together today to reject Drax’s greenwashing. We are in a period of ecological devastation brought about by our own hands.

This destructive process makes Drax the UKs single largest carbon emitter, yet despite this Drax receives £789.5 million in renewable subsidies per year. 10,089 talking about this. Five Extinction Rebellion protesters have been arrested after the eco-warriors poured fake blood over Trafalgar Square to show solidarity with indigenous people dying of Covid-19 in Brazil.

This train passing over the bridge carries wood pellets from Southern US, Canada and Europe to be burnt at Drax’s power station for fuel. Extinction Rebellion North. We must act now to avoid extinction.

283 talking about this.

7.6K likes. Join our mailing list for announcements and for news from our national circles and local groups.Our full registration form allows you to tell us your preferred language, areas of interest, and your skills, helping us to find the right role for you in Extinction Rebellion!

Extinction Rebellion Thüringen.

We are in a period of ecological devastation brought about by our own hands.

We demand. Northern branch of Extinction Rebellion. This trainline causes noise and air pollution for those living along the train line and the process of creating the wood pellets (clear-felling biodiverse forests) causes noise, air and water pollution for those local communities. There aim was to get motorists to take a momentary pause so that Drax’s greenwashing, unlike the train, doesn’t pass over anyone’s head.

3.2K likes. Extinction Rebellion Strasbourg a alerté par une action symbolique la population strasbourgeoise peu informée du projet géré par StocaMine et le seul actionnaire des Mines de Potasse d’Alsace, l’Etat: le confinement total de 42 000 tonnes de déchets dangereux dans d’anciennes mines de potasse à Wittelsheim (Haut-Rhin), menaçant l'eau potable de toute la région.

Extinction Rebellion British Columbia.

Join the Rebellion. Learn more, including about available controls: Protestors are here at Drax Power Station to draw attention to Drax’As the dirty Drax train passed over from Lancashire to Yorkshire XR s train of destruction. Groups across the North of England are coming together today to reject Drax’s greenwashing.

All our design and artwork can be used non-commercially for the purpose of planet saving.

SILVERSTONE, Great Britain -- Four Extinction Rebellion protesters have been arrested after gaining access to Sunday's closed-doors British Grand Prix and hanging a …

This train carries wood pellets from Southern US, Canada and Europe to be burnt at Drax’s power station for fuel. By clicking or navigating the site, you agree to allow our collection of information on and off Facebook through cookies.

Extinction Rebellion co-founder Clare Farrell, said: “Extinction Rebellion UK established a relationship with Stop the Mangaamizi Campaign from early on in our development and I’m so excited to attend the Reparations Rebellion as part of our ongoing learning and relationship building as we strive for allyship with struggles everywhere, especially in the global south. Find out more at: that the Government declares a Climate and Ecological Emergency, recognising the need for rapid transformation of our economic system. Face à l'urgence climatique et l'extinction de la biodiversité, l'heure de la rébellion est arrivée. We must act now to avoid extinction. Find out more at: rebels in Todmorden were there to meet it. Made with love and rage Extinction Rebellion (XR) is a do-it-together movement.

To help personalize content, tailor and measure ads, and provide a safer experience, we use cookies. A Facebook page called Extinction Rebellion Pendle posted on Sunday (April 26) claiming Lancashire Constabulary warned them to cancel a picnic at Ball Grove Park in Colne or face potential arrest under Covid-19 emergency powers issued to police. This trainline causes noise and air pollution for those living along the train line and the process of creating the wood pellets (clear-felling biodiverse forests) causes noise, air and water pollution for those local communities. 505 likes. Our political establishment has failed to protect its people and fail to prevent future mass extinction.

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