Roger Federer’s serve is a classic example of a fluid, circular wind-up that closely resembles the throwing mechanics of a pitcher.And if you want to improve your serve, you need to take at least a few elements of his serving technique and put them into your own game.Federer’s serve shares many of the same commonalities of all world class servers. Very Big thanks Ian for these! Roger Federer - Serve - Slow Motion. facebook twitter linkedin pinterest Email. 5:56. Log into your account. Tweet Share on Facebook. A Fun Waste Of Champagne. A Fun Waste Of Champagne. More on *******tennis-hits**** Here is some super slow motion (240fps) video of Roger Federer hitting his serve during a practice session at the BNP Paribas Open in 2013. lessons service tennis slice slow motion roger federer serve grip forehand backhand noinstreamads noonpageads.

MOST POPULAR. Essentially, Federer is looking at the target service box in preparation to serve.One key notable point about Federer’s serve is that his motion is smooth and circular.

Maybe he does use it also on his volleys, I don't know. VIDEOS GALLERIES. Roger Federer is safely through to the second round at Wimbledon despite dropping the first set to ... 2019.

Maybe he does use it also on his volleys, I don't know. 0:35. Thanks to Txchou and others for uploading these videos, I just made a compilation :) EVERYBODY wants to get a close look at him in particular and usually the stands start to fill up 30-60 minutes before he's scheduled to take the court. We are here to support you!! 16 Apr 2019 2 419 998; Share Video. Tweet Share on Facebook. There's one forehand where Roger hits pretty flat, that was a service return. Thanks to Txchou and others for uploading these videos, I just made a compilation :) The Federer Service is one of the best ever. share. Keep the good work going. comment. Close. Federer’s classic serve motion may be etched in the minds of tennis fans as an iconic figure that has brought the tennis world to new heights.Join the tennis club for free. Posted by. !Yup, I do all of my own editing on these pro videos. Here is some super slow motion (240fps) video of Roger Federer hitting his serve during a practice session at the BNP Paribas Open in 2013.He has a somewhat closed racquet face at trophy pose but as the racquet drops he rolls his wrist clockwise and then back counterclockwise to achieve a square face at impact. MOST POPULAR. You have already voted for this video.

your username. Thanks to Txchou and others for uploading these videos, I just made a compi...More on *******tennis-hits**** Home / Videos / Pro Footage / Roger Federer Serve in Super Slow Motion. ©2020 STEVEGTENNIS.COM - All 3rd party trademarks are hereby acknowledged.

This position gets its name from the body position in many typical tennis trophies. Typically, the racket will finish on Federer’s left side andRoger Federer’s serve is a great example for tennis players to emulate at every level of the game. Also, on the backhand slice, I saw a picture where he uses something between Continental grip and Eastern Backhand grip. Pete Sampras was a great model for ideal pronation. Welcome! This indicates that Federer’s momentum is moving forward and into the court, which is important especially for the first serve – as well as for generating additional velocity on the serve. That begins with Federer using a continental grip and maintaining that grip all the way into the follow through.During the preparation, Federer’s racket is on edge with the tossing hand holding the ball at the throat of the racket. Tennis Serve Technique - Roger Federer Serve Analysis provides you with some great tips. Though if all the previous elements are in place, this should happen fairly naturally.

By the time Federer makes contact with the ball, his body has uncoiled and unleashed the stored energy that he had previously generated through the use of a body coil and at the height of the trophy position.Once contact is made, all top servers (including Federer) pronate their forearm as part of the follow through. Check the “ATP” logo to see what I mean. No matter how you put it, a better For any club player or elite player, I recommend you to study Federer’s serve. Daily Dosage Subscribe Unsubscribe 594.

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