When I told her of my dissatisfaction with the meal, she morphed into an aggressive and irate woman who then started dispatching some rather vile language. News An Australian, vegan feminist cafe is closing its doors after realizing they can't stay in business with a ridiculous "gender surcharge" or male tax. Should have left 1 cent. But the cafe, run by green activist Alex O'Brien, announced it would shut up shop on April 28, after just two years of trading. Unsurprisingly, the cafe closed its doors but denies that the policy put it out of business.

Meanwhile gentlemen’s social clubs live on and strong around Melbourne and the world over…”She ended her message by thanking “our community and friends who came and never left our sides” and explained that the team would be “off to our next adventure up north where we will be doing some hands-on work”.While O’Brien didn’t detail why the store is closing down, it’s safe to assume business was not doing well due to its less than friendly way of treating men.They say life comes at you fast, but sometimes you definitely see it coming. (Seriously.)

As I was walking past the register on the way out, I could hear the same woman telling the other waitress working with her that I was a “vile beast” and that I “wasn’t welcome here again”.As of this writing, Trip Advisor shows 18 reviews rated as “excellent” with 29 reviews rating it as “terrible.” How many of these ratings are legitimate, whether good or bad, is still unknown.Regardless, we have another instance of a business getting woke and subsequently going broke.Durham Target Kevin Clinesmith Wasn’t Working for Who You Think When He Forged That Email to Spy on Carter PageThree Days After Seattle Police Chief Publishes Letter of Resignation ANTIFA Riots In Seattle — Police Are No Where To Be FoundOregon State Police Pullout Night 1 — Portland PD Doesn’t Miss A BeatWatch: Reporters AGAIN Herded Away From Biden as Questions Are Asked, Even Kamala Appears TenseSeattle BLM Scuffle Injures Cop, BLM Harass Residents in Their Homes: Give Us Your Money and Your HomeCopyright RedState.com/Salem Media.

Why doesn’t some good man take these angry misandrist Pinkos to a kangaroo court, er Human Rights Tribunal, on charges of blatant sexism and discrimination…just to make a point – because the wanna-be judges and other fascist criminal scum infesting those so-called Human Rights Tribunals the Western world over, A feminist-owned and operated cafe made headlines after introducing an unusual penalty on male customers.

Loading... Unsubscribe from Omegon? A vegan feminist cafe in Melbourne, Australia, that charged customers extra for being male is now finding itself out of business.The co-owner of the company, Alexandra O’Brien, wrote a post titled “A Handsom Farewell,” where she mentioned how the “man tax” put Handsom Her in the public spotlight, resulting in a massive backlash that showed “us how fragile masculinity is,” and how it hardened their resolve to smash the patriarchy.The post reads more like a rant against men and the self-victimization you find common amongst social justice advocates:In a post entitled ‘A Handsome Farewell’, Ms O’Brien wrote: “It’s been a wild journey to say the least. When we opened Handsome Her in 2017, we expected that perhaps we might make a stir through our brazen public discussions of structural inequality and oppression.“The man tax blew up the internet, an idea that we didn’t think was all too radical, yet the way the world responded showed us how fragile masculinity is and solidified the necessity for us to confront and dismantle patriarchy.“We were just one little tiny shop on Sydney Rd that was trying to carve out a swathe of space to prioritise women and women’s issues, and suddenly we became the punching bag of Melbourne and the internet.“Yes, we are the evil, discriminatory, man-hating d***s who charge men more when didn’t you know the wage gap doesn’t even exist!?

Feminist Cafe Where Men Paid 18% “Man Tax” Shuts Down, but Not Before Owner Gives Sexist Rant Posted at 4:30 pm on April 24, 2019 by Brandon Morse A vegan feminist cafe in Melbourne, Australia, that charged customers extra for being male is now finding itself out of business. The 1 cent coin was removed from circulation in ’92, but he should keep one on him for such an occasion… I’m glad that discriminatory resturant closed. Handsome Her cafe (Photo Credit: Facebook) All Rights Reserved. Submission Radio 1,804,123 views. He said that he left a 15% Tip. ... Ronda Rousey Shuts Down Feminist - Duration: 1:40. Sign up here to be a part of The Rebel - the fearless source of news, opinion, and activism that you won't find anywhere else! (WATCH) Tim Pool: Feminist cafe shutting down after getting woke and going broke by overcharging men A vegan feminist cafe that charged men extra because of the mythical wage gap is going out of business. He has stayed somewhat anonymous, but revealed that he is also the owner of AgeOfShitLords.com. April 24, 2019 A vegan feminist cafe in Australia that imposed an 18 per cent “gender surcharge” on men and gave women priority seating has closed down. 1:40. The store had very bad reviews on sites such as Trip Advisor as well. One man titled his review “When I asked for the bill, the waitress asked if there was a problem with my meal, since I’d left most of it on my plate. Vegan Feminist Cafe Shuts Down Omegon. The Medusa Magazine creator announced the shutdown of the site in November. The Handsome Her cafe, which only opened a few years ago and was located in inner city Melbourne, described itself as “by women, for women”. The Handsome Her cafe, located in Melbourne, thought it would do society a civil duty and charge men an extra 18% tax, as well as giving women priority seating. He’s an idiot. If the neo-feminists’ Marxist plan is to put men off women, in order to disrupt and destroy our country/way of life from within…it’s working. Not wanting to cause a scene, I subsequently left the requisite cash on the table, which included a 15% tip, and promptly walked out. Medusa Magazine was pumping out satirical takes, only to be one-upped by the real feminists — including ones who write for The Washington Post.

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