Here I?ll share the full important list of search operators with you.Below we?ve listed some important Google search operators basic to advance to make your searching power even more powerful.Put any phrase in quotes means to force Google to use exact match or we can say that it excludes synonyms when searching for single words.Here in this example, Google will find the exact match of social media keyword.Search for A or B. Basic operators are made up of characters and are used at the beginning or end of a keyword or phrase, for example, “”. Some have officially been discontinued or deprecated, and others were attached to Google properties that have since been shut down.Old school SEOs will fondly remember this one. Use them to improve your productivity and SEO skills. Their scope is very wide, from research on the competitive environment and the search for plagiarism to technical search engine optimization. How many internal links is too many? In our example, any results containing the word “apple” in the title tag will be returned.Find pages containing a certain word (or words) somewhere in the content. Basically the same as intext, but every word in the query has to be in the body text of a page. Useful for finding quotes and song lyrics you don’t quite remember, but not much else. For instance:Or you can see a definite increase in the number of available results by slightly expanding the search criteria: Similarly, we can use search tools to limit the results by the last week: )You can also quickly find authority sites who have done reviews or comparison posts that don’t include your service or product.This can be done using a combination of OR and removing your own brand names with the hyphen -.For example: “laptop vs (macbook OR hp OR Huawei) -dell”.This phrase would help an SEO or content manager at dell quickly identify opportunities in the tech blogosphere.Of course, site: also comes in handy here, as you can check whether or not industry websites have covered your products yet.All in all, Google is an excellent tool for this, but it can be very time consuming to do the checking and ideation manually.These inactive search operators no longer work.

(If we use this for our own site, we see that roughly 1,490 results show up. In the search box, type the search operator. But you just have to know how you can use them.Google?s power is awesome for SEO purposes. Head of Content @ Ahrefs (or, in plain English, I'm the guy responsible for ensuring that every blog post we publish is EPIC). (If you want to find the weather of a specific location then this search operator will help to find the results. We can also use the pipe operator (|) in place of ?OR? But knowing the search operators and using the search operators is two different things. Have you?By combining a few operators, it’s possible to return results for all supported file types at once.It’s important to delete or noindex these if you’d prefer people didn’t come across them.If you know of a serial guest blogger in your niche, try this:This will find every site that person has written for.For reference, here’s the exact search I entered into Content Explorer:Basically, this searches for posts by Tim Soulo. In the example below, searches related to “Find pages that are being linked to with specific anchor text. Search operators you can use. That’s why most existing lists of Google search operators are outdated and inaccurate. How to use a search operator. E.g., Find pages with a certain word (or words) in the title. Bounce rates for many sites are increasing as it gets harder to gain user trust and attention.But you need to get it if you want to conquer the top of Google SERPs.
But it doesn’t really matter. (And indexed pages for discontinued services. Here’s a Google search operator you may be familiar with.the “site:” operator restricts results to only those from a specified site.It’s easy to remember most search operators. Advanced operators can be character combinations or expressions used to produce more relevant search results, such as AROUND(#).

Each entry typically includes the syntax, the capabilities, and an example. Using it is an illuminating look into how Google categorizes your website and your competitors.For example, if we take a look at the results for, it returns the usual Obviously, Airbnb's two biggest competitors VRBO and Homeaway made the cut, but there’s something else. Otherwise, Google does not include it in results. They even help you identify new opportunities, conduct competitor analysis, and audit your site for potential threats that can harm your rankings. Knowing the necessary regional domains won’t be difficult. Google search operators are like chess – knowing how the pieces move doesn't make you a master. But it also excludes posts from and (Tim’s personal blog).You can also use Content Explorer to find sites in your niche that have never linked to you.Here’s one of the unlinked domains I found for, this search doesn’t tell us whether or not they have a “write for us” page. It's 2020, Google is still the undisputed king of Search Engines. to search in Google.Search for A and B. this will give you the result related to both A and B.

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