Writing, grammar, and communication tips for your inbox.You have been successfully subscribed to the Grammarly blog.Happy New Year, New Year’s, or New Years? Moms didn’t come up with Mother’s Day as an easy way to get pancakes in bed. Here’s a hint: most people aren’t busting out the crayons to make a homemade card.In 2017, the expected total spending for Mother’s Day in the United States is $23.6 billion.

A woman named Anna Jarvis started a campaign for an official holiday honoring mothers in 1905, the year her own mother died. She had teamed up with florists while she was lobbying to get the holiday recognized, even recommending a white carnation as the symbolic flower of Mother’s Day.However, in the first few years of the holiday’s official existence, Jarvis observed as florists, candy-makers and card-makers, and even charities used Mother’s Day as a way to make an extra buck. And despite how it seems, card companies didn’t invent it as a way to make a few (billion) bucks.There’s more to the history of Mother’s Day than meets the eye. Here’s a good one:There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one. Although she had fought to be recognized as the one and only “Mother of Mother’s Day,” she later lobbied to have the holiday removed from the calendar of national holidays, and spent piles of her own money in Did Anna Jarvis have success getting people to cut down on the consumerism?

And, for good measure, a few ideas on how to celebrate your own mom on the second Sunday of May.The origin of Mother’s Day as we know it took place in the early 1900s. How to Wish Someone Well in 20204 Irish Authors Who Will Inspire Your St. Patrick's DayNow’s the Time to Create Your Personal Website — Here’s How The first larger-scale celebration of the holiday was in 1908, when Jarvis held a public memorial for her mother in her hometown of Grafton, West Virginia.Over the next few years, Jarvis pushed to have the holiday officially recognized, and it was celebrated increasingly in more and more states around the U.S. The first larger-scale celebration of the holiday was in 1908, when Jarvis held a public memorial for her mother in her hometown of Grafton, West Virginia.

Use a phrase involving the word “mother” or “mom” or a nice mom-centric quotation. If you’re considering buying your mother a card or a bouquet of flowers, you’ve got your answer.The National Retail Federation does a yearly survey to find out how much Americans are planning on spending for Mother’s Day. Sure, Anna Jarvis will roll her eyes, but if Mom’s grateful, where’s the real harm?If you want to go the Anna Jarvis route, make your own card or write a letter to show your love to your mommy dearest. With the senior Jarvis’ lifelong focus on caring for children and promoting peace, it’s no wonder her daughter fought for a day just for moms.At around the same time Ann Reeves Jarvis was working with mothers in the spirit of peace, Julia Ward Howe, another activist—as well as abolitionist and suffragette—worked to have June 2 be celebrated as “Mother’s Peace Day,” and wrote a “Mother’s Day Proclamation” calling on mothers to work toward world peace.Even after Anna Jarvis was successful in getting Mother’s Day made an official national holiday, she wasn’t satisfied with the way that holiday was celebrated.

The correct placement of the apostrophe is this: Mother’s Day. That’s an average of $186.39 per shopper. There are debates about who came up with the holiday first and lawsuits about who can use the name “Mother’s Day.” One of the founders tried to get the holiday scratched from the books, even after fighting to get it recognized as a national day. It’s all about making it special.For most modern moms, going out to brunch or getting a Hallmark card and a fat bunch of flowers will do the trick. )Here are the secrets of Mother’s Day and its history. That’s why she was determined to keep “Mother’s” a singular possessive, as marked by the apostrophe before “s.” Each family should celebrate its own mother, so that individual women across the country could feel the love, even in the midst of a broad celebration of motherhood.Before Anna Jarvis worked to get a day just for recognizing mothers, her own mom played an important role uniting women for good causes. In the fourteen years the National Retail Federation has conducted the But don’t feel bad if you’re not planning on forking up quite so much. Mama Jarvis—also known as Ann Reeves Jarvis—cared for wounded soldiers on both sides of the field during the Civil War, and in its aftermath she organized a “Mothers’ Friendship Day,” the goal of which was to foster reconciliation between former Union and Confederate soldiers by having them come together, along with mothers from both sides. A woman named Anna Jarvis started a campaign for an official holiday honoring mothers in 1905, the year her own mother died.

(Don’t worry: we’ve got you covered on that one. Over the next few years, Jarvis pushed to have the holiday officially recognized, and it w… The origin of Mother’s Day dates back centuries.
This month we celebrate Mother’s Day in the U.S., so I thought a brief history of the holiday would be in order.

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