''You can get remote control, freeze frame, search and other features--it`s just a nicer machine. I would pay $22 and sell for $35. Question by  Like a brand-new television set back in the `50s, the videocassette recorder was once an expensive status symbol. ''When the machines were introduced in 1975, the average VCR cost between $1,000 and $1,400.

Reaganomics was in full swing, runaway inflation was finally easing, and the Dow Jones industrial average rose a whopping 27.7% to 1,546.67.
An object in your home that you could brag about to your guests because you were cutting-edge and could afford the latest and greatest. Let’s make like Marty McFly and travel back in time to find out. 1980 Under Counter Dishwasher Price: $249.95 Description This under the counter model has a white porcelain-enameled steel tub, a scratch-resistant door liner, energy saving options and much more.

Robert Amhoff, a J&R customer who paid $750 last Christmas for a top-of-the-line NEC brand VCR, is now pricing the same model for a friend.
That price jumps to $2.56 when adjusted for inflation. My dad paid about $800 for a GE in the mid 80's

Answer by  According to a Merrill Lynch & Co. study, makers are supplying perhaps as many as five million more VCRs than consumers will buy this year. In these times, it’s increasingly a must. But, I think most of them were around the $400 price range. Those that do still publish print editions have significantly increased the price of their daily editions.Prices at the pump fluctuated throughout the 1980s. 4.

The newspaper business has changed drastically since the 1980s due, of course, to the rise of the internet.

When VCRs first became widely available on the American market in the early 1980s, an average price was about $200. In 1980 you could purchase a gallon of milk for $1.12. 6 vintage microwave ads show the potential problem with older microwaves electrical goods and liances in the what things cost in the 1980s vs today 6 vintage microwave ads show the.80s Actual The 1980s Microwave Oven RevolutionMicrowave Ovens Child Of The 1980 S80s Actual The 1980s Microwave Oven RevolutionSolar Is Like A 1980 S Microwave Oven EcomenElectrical Goods… Read … ''We occasionally advertise a bare-bones model at $169,'' says Richard Lewis, president of Newmark & Lewis Inc., a 26-store consumer-electronics retailer in greater New York City.

''There are too many people wanting a bite out of the pie,'' says Stanley Hametz, consumer-video general manager for Panasonic Co., a U.S. marketing arm of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Japan.Some 70 brand-name VCR marketers, half as many more as there were last year, are battling one another for a piece of the U.S. market. Putting prices in historical perspective is an art, at best; Inflation isn’t the only factor. High-fidelity stereophonic sound is one of the hottest extras on the market.Before the end of the year, suppliers are expected to introduce higher-priced units with features that greatly enhance the picture.

But prices have fallen significantly--15 percent in the past six months alone--and now a … ''Consumers are benefiting from what industry officials have called''bloody'' price cutting among brand-name marketers and suppliers trying to cash in on the VCR boom. How much could it save you?If you want a long and fulfilling retirement, you need more than money. Answer by  One buyer, Diaz recalls, told him he wanted a front-load VCR. What was king for more than 20 years met its demise in the same way that it began its reign – overtaken by a newer technology.

The price had fallen to an all-time low, approximately $100 or less in some base model cases. It is like the new 4K TVs that have been out the last 2–3 years, the prices have dropped drastically after initial release. Cary Lufkin, president of 30-store Lufkin Inc., a Baltimore-based consumer-electronic s and appliances retailer, says, ''It`s not uncommon for a customer to buy two,''Buyers are also getting more sophistication for their money these days. The prototypes originally were in the $50,000 USD range. Then, a little sheepishly, the man asked, ''What`s front load?'' How Much Did Things Cost in the 1980s? While the Japanese and European markets are sluggish, unit-sales growth in the U.S., though down from soaring 1983 and 1984 levels, is the most robust in the world. And if you’re not careful, you may risk losing all those memorable recorded moments. I remember back in 82 that a guy in my shop was bragging about his new VCR purchase, and paid $800 for it. Answer by  Anonymous Long before Netflix was even a blip on home entertainment’s radar, before Blue-ray brought us into the realm of HD, even prior to the reign of DVDs, the Let’s make like Marty McFly and travel back in time to find out. Although Sony later introduced L-500 (2 hour) and L-750 (3 hour) Betamax tapes in addition to the L-250 (1 hour) tape, the consumer market had swiftly moved toward the VHS system as a preferred choice. ''The Japanese makers and the American-brand marketers have decided to not let the Koreans come into the market and sweep the mid-to-low-end prices,'' says Donald F. Johnstone, president of consumer electronics operations at North American Philips Corp., which markets the Magnavox, Philco and Sylvania brands.With VCRs so affordable, some owners are stocking up. But just how much did a VHS player in the 1980s cost? (*Disclaimer: No DeLorean needed)When the first VHS player was released to the U.S. masses in the mid-70s, it was seen as a status symbol.

Not necessarily.Nothing screams "I love the '80s!"

The system was called Vidstar. Like most technology, time has shrunk both their size and cost.

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