And playerCamera dot transform dot forward. I’m going to start by removing the sphere collider, it’s not going to be present here, you’re going to understand why. This is happening because the prefab, the way you save it, so even the position is going to be preserved.

It’s going to be zero dot three, and we want to change its color as well.So, we go to our materials folder, right click, create material, bullet, and I’m going to change the color to yellow so it’s very easy to spot in the game, and I’m going to drag and drop here. So, this is basically what we need. Once you have the empty gameobject in your scene, I recommend renaming it to “Spawnpoint” for clarity. When we transform dot position plus equals, it means we’re going to increase the position by passing another vector as a parameter. This is going to be player, or hero, whatever name you want to use. If you are a new user to Unity Answers, check out our FAQ for more information. So, it’s going to be important for us to have a reference to the player’s camera, which is here in the first person character.So, what I’m going to do is go into the player I’m going to type here public, Camera playerCamera. In the Inspector, click “Add Component”. That’s why we add this little model element here. As you can probably guess, these will be used to represent the Rigidbody we want to use for our projectile and the XYZ location we want to use as our spawnpoint.

Here we are. So, it’s, there’s a little offset a little vertical offset. But the thing is this is not a place in space, it’s an arrow that is pointing somewhere.So if we look to the left, transform dot forward is going to point left.
Something to work with movement.So to make a script, we’re going to the project folder, we already have materials and scenes, but now we right click, choose create, then folder, and this one is going to be named scripts. So, when we instantiate a bullet, we want to add it to a certain position.So, what we can do here is we can type bulletObject dot transform dot position equals to transform dot position. Let’s use container. Note: You might see pink particles instead of white, which seems to be a Unity bug with setting the default texture. Author Waldo . We set lifeTimer to be life duration, so, yes, this should last for two seconds. So basically, the bullet’s going to go through elements. You can assign Fire audio and Reload audio variables right away if you have suitable Audio Clips in your project. This is happening because that’s something new that wasn’t present, or wasn’t set in the prefab. So, let’s use this pattern here, bulletObject. We present to you a mini tutorial on how to make fire in Unity 5. Alright, and inside that bullet, which is in this position, I’m going to right click, choose create empty, and I’m going to rename this game object to model, and then you might think hey, we have something different now.At the player, we made a gun, and that gun already had the cube elements, but why do we have the model here? To make the spaceship fire the bullets we will need to make some changes to our “spaceshipScript”. In this post, I am going to outline how you create a projectile and shoot that projectile outwards from a character using the Before I jump into it, I want to post a link to my First of all, we need to think about the logic of shooting a projectile in 3D space. So at the top, I’m going to type public GameObject bulletPrefab, like this.And if you save that and go to Unity, and you wait a little bit for that processing of the code to be read and you select the player, you see that we now we have that bullet prefab set here.So, to get that bullet prefab to work, we’re going to open the prefabs folder, and I’m going to drag this bullet from here to here. So we have the player script and that is going to basically, it’s guaranteed that that script is going to load. Yes, zero to three looks perfect.

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