That place was never going to give me a raise.I’ve situation where the employee is explicitly old that salary will be reviewed after 3 (or 6) months. If he doesn’t think about you after you leave, he will never become aware of it, and the worst that will happen is your social media followers will know that you once acted with less than complete sangfroid in response to a crush.#3: So sorry.

We aren’t in the same department so it isn’t as if one of us reports to the other, but I’d still never tell him. used in the workplace. If my boss told me what I did say, it would offer a lot of closure that I don’t have.This happened to me once. Our older colleagues NEVER let him live it down and teased him about it for a long time, years after we hadn’t even exchanged so much as “hi”.To make matters worse I actually enjoy spending time with him like occasionally going for a round of laser tag after work. I got a decent raise and an improvement in job responsibilities each time I changed jobs.

I’m not adamantly against surrogate family in the workplace but only if literally everyone consents and benefits (and how likely is that really? Many years ago a colleague 12 years younger than me, thankfully not directly reporting to me (we worked together a lot and would sometimes exchange an email chess game), told me he had a crush on me. It can just skew too much when you are new to the workplace and especially since you mentioned the political climate specifically.As far as taking all the blame, he may also have had the conversation with the other person in the conversation, so I wouldn’t place too much worry on that. So, this entire process had a stair-step effect.That said, I would not have asked for retroactive pay. Review feedback should be specific and it should be actionable — if it’s too vague, there’s nothing one can do about it.But, emphasizing what everyone else has said: Privacy is a myth, particularly in the workplace. I’m also so sorry. Nothing you say on work resources if private.

Missed miscarriages are heartbreaking. I’ve definitely heard people at my current workplace say things like that to each other and, as I work with people who are very quick to say if they’re offended by something, I know they’re not offended by people saying “Work wife/husband.”It’s a really inappropriate way for a boss to talk to their employee, though.No, it’s not professional if one of them is in a position of power over the other. Believe them.The other part they seem to be missing is that if you have a job interview with someone, you’re interviewing them just as much as the 0ther way round. (Or read AAM!)

I’ve never liked it when people claim a work “spouse” relationship but have never been able to formulate the argument as you have.Yeah I disagree with the heteronormativity aspect of it as well. Both of us were happily married to others.To add to my previous response – it’s not a question of people being offended. If they don’t, they need to be a bit forgiving for those who are trying.I’m so sorry for your loss, OP.
More details are certainly needed to make any sort of positive change. No, it’s not enough that you offer me a job. It isn’t something that’s happening in reality, it’s something that’s happening in my head.

I was 23…and I quit on the spot.
My team knew I was pregnant – I was visibly pregnant, so when I returned I had to tell everyone that I was no longer pregnant (I chose not to get into the details of it). Maybe it’s different because I am a contract employee, but I think everyone should be informed of these policies.When I asked what I had done that was unprofessional, she left the room and refused to talk to me until a week later when I was let go.Man. Should I tell my boss I’ve had a crush on him? (By the way, for the benefit of other commentors, heteronormativity can be defined as the default presumption that everyone is straight and the societal structures and attitudes that support and result from this presumption. (Allison is right though that nothing is private, unfortunately.)Yes. And when your home-space is the one full of chaos, you really need the work-space to have normalcy and b)to let the person the upsetting thing happened to dictate whether it gets discussed and to what extent. Otherwise, the situation threatens to get in a bad state.

These are the top most things to do when you have a crush on your boss. Before returning, she communicated via our boss that she appreciated all the concern but didn’t want to have to discuss it at work, and everyone I knew there was grateful for the direction. It was literally like chains coming off. For some reason, they decided to “adopt” me like I was the child of their sordid union. He was really hurt though and it was impossible to work with him like a normal person afterwards. It was the high level of familiarity and comfort which is why they affectionately referred to each other as spouses.

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