In your lifetime, you will find and meet one person who will love you more than anybody you have ever known and will know. You’re my everything.56. It doesn’t happen often when you find someone who means everything to you so make sure you let him or her know how you feel.It’s a wonderful feeling to finally find your soulmate, especially if you’ve been through heartaches and failed relationships in the past. In my body, you are my heart. It’s going to be really hard; we’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you.

No matter what other people say to you or me, I will keep on loving you, until the last day.40. I can’t live without you, trust me, I will never leave you. I have got you, and now I have everything.44.

And I will always love you until the day that my very last breath is taken from me.42. They’ll look at you like you’re everything they’ve been looking for their entire lives. Waiting is so hard. Tina Arena (born Filippina Lydia Arena; 1 November 1967) is an Australian singer, songwriter, musical theatre actress, talent show judge and record producer. I just want you to know how I feel about you. You’re my first thought in the morning, you’re my last thought before I fall asleep, and you’re almost every thought in between.59.
You are my everything.9.

They are my happy place. You are my angel, you are my everything, you mean more than anything.119. You are my best friend, my human diary, and my other half. Because if I had done one thing differently, I might have never met you.101. 139.

I think about you, getting up in the morning and lying down at night.
My favorite name to see appear on my phone. I am thankful you are mine.75. You are everything to me and for that, I will forever be grateful to you, my darling.34. You make me laugh more than anyone else, and I’m the best me when I’m with you.

Love you then, love you still, always have, always will.112. You are everything to me. All I’m interested in is building my future with you.7. Once in a lifetime, you meet someone who changes everything and becomes your everything.51. About I Want to Spend My Lifetime Loving You "I Want to Spend My Lifetime Loving You" is a 1998 song written by James Horner and lyricist Will Jennings for the … Thank you for picking me up when I’m down. I love you. To find the sense of life is the blessing, but meeting the person who will become your world is even a bigger one. Do you think it’s too much? You are the source of my joy, the center of my world, and the whole of my heart. The sound of my name on your lips is the best thing that I can ever hear every single day.13. She has won several awards, most notably 6 ARIA Awards and in both 1996 and 2000 she received the World Music Award for the world's best selling Australian artist. I love you every step of the way. I can’t lose you because if I did, I would’ve lost my best friend and my soulmate too.85. Words are not enough to say how much you mean to me.41. Learn from everything you can. You are my everything love.26. Even when I’m moody and annoying, you deal with me with patience. "I Want to Spend My Lifetime Loving You" is a 1998 song written by James Horner and lyricist Will Jennings for the 1998 film The Mask of Zorro, of which it is the main theme. My world is always with me when I stay with you.37. You have no idea of the amount of happiness you brought to my life. Thank you and I love you.87. I may not be perfect but parts of me are pretty awesome. I promise to be there for you when you need me, I promise to hug you tight when you’re lonely, I promise to keep you, not for the rest of my life but for the rest of yours because you are my everything.31. Didn’t live a full life until I met you. “From the day you walked into my life, you’re all I think about. Together with you is my favorite place to be. When I see your smile so lovely and bright. I love you. Without you, I am no more. You’re the one person I need to talk to when I’ve had a bad day, the one person I can rely on not to judge me. You are my everything, you are the love of my life.118. Life is filled with hard times and good times. That’s the definition of a good life.92. You are my everything love.29. 138. To have everything I need, you.47. You are my everything and nothing less.139. Life is ever changing but does not ever forget that the constant things in your life are: me.103.

Whoever I met before you either broke my heart or disappointed me. I see us getting married, moving in together, cuddling on the couch, waking up to good morning kisses, having arguments, making up after, cooking our favorite foods, smiling for no reason, annoying each other when we’re bored, having the cutest little babies, watching them grow up, never leaving each other’s side. It doesn’t matter if it’s just an ordinary day, expressing your love has to be done every day because it is what makes the relationship stronger. My everything.53. 2 complain less. I feel like everything in my life has led me to you. You`re not only a boyfriend to me.

Love of my life quotes to help you appreciate true love. I need you. I have completely fallen for you. I love you not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you32.

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