"If you think the scourge of methamphetamine abuse is limited to what you see in the hit television series Breaking Bad..." Jeez what planet have you been living on? But This documentary isn't lame or dumb. It's really that simple.meth doesn't destroy lives used in moderation there are no side effects or even addiction.

Police seize methamphetamine allegedly hidden inside 4WD recovery winches and charge two men over the bust. Meths everywhere.

Just another keyboard warrior.Good doc.

Are high-functioning users the new face of the ice epidemic?More and more Australians are facing the prospect of random drug testing in their places of work.

Duterte says the nation is made entirely of ice, with no clear day or night and has no understanding of his nation's socio-economic problems.A bike track honouring former cycling champion Jack Bobridge will almost certainly be renamed because of the former Olympian's imprisonment for drug offences, a country mayor says.A woman who killed her child in a crash while high on methamphetamine is caught driving on the drug again.

Follow a raid on a suspected meth lab, stake out a pharmacy...Montana Meth is a personal look at the physical and...This documentary investigates the growing influx of crystal...Nigeria is currently engaged in a crisis of addiction. But then she found a lifeline where many others find themselves in a vicious cycle.John Cain is sentenced to 16-and-a-half years in jail over the seizure of "a colossal" quantity of methylamphetamine found hidden in the panels of his utility in Western Australia's Wheatbelt.A man and a woman are charged after Tasmanian police find methylamphetamine with a street value of $1 million concealed in mail packages.Police say they have foiled an international criminal drug syndicate allegedly linked to homes and businesses in Western Sydney after combining with law enforcement agencies in seven countries, including the FBI.Sally Capp says the City of Melbourne was left out of the loop when the State Government began a month-long investigation into a proposed second safe injecting room, and says it is "difficult" to understand why the market site was chosen.Border closures and trade disruption are making illicit drugs scarce and more expensive, resulting in fewer people seeking hospital treatment, but doctors are concerned the long-term effects could be dire.Several homes raided and 16 people in custody after a 14-month police operation.Police oppose bail for an IT expert accused of directing the importation of more than a billion dollars' worth of drugs into Australia, after prosecutors alleged he was part of a sophisticated plan of cyber coverup and stolen identities.Drug-driving has become more deadly than drink-driving and Victoria is flagging drug tests in trucking firms as one area needing urgent attention.Researchers suggest tough WA border control measures to slow the the spread of COVID-19 could have an unexpected result — altering the distribution of illicit drugs.Timiki Auburn is among a growing number of Australian mothers seeking help for their ice addiction — and bringing their children to rehab with them.Police seize more than $38,000 cash and items including a heroin press, stolen trailers, stolen quad bikes and a taser in a two-day drug operation targeting properties in Adelaide's north.Karen is on a five-week daily detox program at a centre north of Brisbane, as a new 20-bed live-in facility opens to address the massive demand for drug and alcohol rehabilitation.Pill testing, ceasing use of drug detection dogs, more supervised drug use rooms and a prison needle exchange program are among the recommendations of a major inquiry into the drug ice.Drug use is a major issue in Bunbury, where former addicts say too many people are trying to get clean while living on the streets because of a lack of appropriate housing.One of three men charged following an AFP drug sting in Victoria in 2017 was more than a "mere courier" despite claims by his lawyer to the contrary, a prosecutor tells an Adelaide court.The Queensland Premier rules out decriminalising drugs, despite a Productivity Commission report saying it would cut the state's record rate of incarceration and save hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars a year, without increasing the rate of drug use.The elderly mother of a man accused of conspiring to import methamphetamine ingredients from the US could lose her home after he absconded, a Melbourne court hears.The report from the ice inquiry is due to be handed to the NSW Governor today — and one organisation is urging for more help for pregnant mothers which it says can end generations going through addiction and foster care.

Researchers say that when the climate cooled dramatically, Aboriginal groups sought refuge in well-watered areas, such as along rivers, and populations were condensed into small habitable areas. By Since that day Police believe the drugs, unwittingly purchased from a second-hand shop in South Carolina, were shipped to the wrong address.

A NEW STUDY HAS revealed how indigenous Australians coped with the last Ice Age, roughly 20,000 years ago. By Paul Viney told the NSW special commission into ice how he lost his million-dollar home and his business and ended up in prison because of the drug.Denying a drug trafficking charge, Nomads bikie Alexander Miller said the methamphetamine and thousands of dollars in cash allegedly found in his bag were his own and that the money was legitimately obtained.Police charge two men after the discovery of a large-scale clandestine laboratory and 45 litres of methylamphetamine oil with a street value of $34 million on a rural property near Braidwood.The biggest problem for babies exposed to methamphetamine in pregnancy is how beautifully ordinary they look, meaning by the time troubling signs emerge, many treatment opportunities have been lost.A mother from a town once dubbed Western Australia's "meth capital", whose son became addicted at 16, fears he will die before he turns 18 unless specialised youth residential services are brought into regional areas.One of the men jailed over what was described as the largest methamphetamine lab in SA history was intending to use the money he made to pay for IVF for his partner, an Adelaide judge says.About 500,000 high school students will soon graduate and among them are 20 young people from a college for disadvantaged kids in regional New South Wales.
What about the way ice causes youngsters to be extremely sexual.

I had a weekly habit a few years ago and still crave the drug but this was a good wake up call to show me the spiral I could slip in to if I pick up that old lifestyle again.

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