YAY! Anybody can ask a question Detailed answers to any questions you might have For example, game Red does not have a Clefairy, but Pokemon Pocket Monsters Red does. Star Wars has A, B, and C-canon. However, game canon seems to imply that more exist, but the player only ever encounters one. Or would it be the videogame and manga based on it?The other mediums can be canon as well; the anime for example is a very important part of the franchise.

2 Answers. Even though the manga was not made by Satoshi himself, you can see how canon it is to as Satoshi Taijiri once stated, "This is the comic that most resembles the world I was trying to convey." Stil, the manga would probably still take precedence.Canon is a very broad term that can be as strict or lenient as the user who uses it, so it's hard to answer this question definitively.The video games, manga, and anime are all different stories. Each is canon only to it's own plot. I'd point out that Pokémon the main anime series, together with Pokémon Chronicles, are set in their own universe. it's very loosely based off of the games and features people and pokemon found in the corresponding games, but the plots are pretty much all original content. The canon of the various Pokémon mangaconsists of the following: 1. Each is canon only to it's own plot. They're all official and canon, but they are different. Since the video game came first however, we can assume the video game is considered canon unless you are speaking directly about the anime or manga, in which case that universe takes precedence. Relevance. So to wrap around what is canon and what is not as a definite boundary is almost impossible.+1 for "it's hard to answer this question definitively".
Anime & Manga Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled As the series is only canon to things relating to Ash Ketchum.Thanks for contributing an answer to Anime & Manga Stack Exchange!

The Pokemon series has many different continuities, few of which coincide with one another. my subreddits. popular-all-random ... limit my search to r/pokemon.

In the anime, characters change their clothes when they go swimming.

It entirely depends on how you see the Pokemon universe.Pokemon adventures is often considered to be more canon to the games. Answer Save. For Pokemon Sun on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "PSA: The Anime is Canon With the Games". - NaturalHarmoniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaYou either die a noob, or live long enough to see yourself become a hacker.It's an Alain from game continuity, doesn't have to be from the anime but same character. 4 years ago. Over at SFF, many of the major franchises have defined levels of canonicity, e.g.

Pokémon Adventures chapters and rounds follow chronologically from one another, rather than having the Ruby & Sapphire and Emerald chapters occur contemporaneously to the Red, Green & Blue and Yellow chapters as the storylines of the games they are based on do. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top

edit subscriptions. Featured on Meta For Pokemon Sun on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is the Anime canon now? The only exception the word of the author or creator. Start here for a quick overview of the site Each manga series is a separate canon, except in the case of sequels, such as Pokémon Chamo-Chamo ☆ Pretty ♪, which follows from Magical Pokémon Journey. Stack Exchange network consists of 177 Q&A communities including John. This also states that Legendary and Mythical Pokémon are able to breed in the anime, contrary to the games. The movies take precedence over the novels and video games and animated series, but some of the novels are considered more canonical than some of the other media. For example, the Mangas are each their own unique canon a lot of times. The anime is it's own canon; and that canon shifts a lot. In the absence of information from the video game, I would say information from the anime comes next, since it came out before the manga. While the current producers of the Pokemon cartoon series have tried to make all the official movies to be canon to the cartoon series. not really. Discuss the workings and policies of this site Can someone please help me to understand the pokemon canon?I believe there are different canons such as the games the comics and the tv shows.... jump to content. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company How about you go kill yourself? site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under The video games, manga, and anime are all different stories. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Anime & Manga Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for anime and manga fans. Since the video game came first however, we can assume the video game is considered canon unless you are speaking directly about the anime or manga, in which case that universe takes precedence. So far as I know, there's no such definition for Pokemon, making canon conflicts hard to resolve.Re-reading your answer, seeing how the (Pokemon adventures) manga is based on the games, I would assume the games to be While you explain what canon is in your answer, your answer fails to answer the question in regards to Pokemon.

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