Further afield, primary school children in Merseyside also paid their respects.At 3pm, people across the country are invited to raise a drink of their choice while saying the following toast: "To those who gave so much, we thank you.
"We have a very good community here, the whole village is going to be singing very loudly hoping she will hear them all. But there, in the heart of London, darkness was strangely absent on one city street.

A stream of light illuminated almost an entire city block.Some happy soul had raised a blackout shade. That was the message of VE Day. I said ‘I know I’m not really meant to be out buying a newspaper I’m not sure it’s an essential journey but I just think there’s something in the paper today about my 14th grandchild’.”The neighbours of John Clarke, 96, who lives at a retirement community in Hertfordshire, will support him in marking the day with a singalong of wartime classics, cake and prosecco, and red, white and blue bunting.Mr Clarke - who joined the army at 16 and was a member of the Black Watch - fought at the Battle of Monte Cassino in Italy in 1944, as well as fighting in Tunisia and Greece.The secretary of the Monte Cassino Veterans Association for almost 50 years, he is now the only survivor out of 4,000 members.“I’m with first class people who have pleasures and souls and we have something laid on,” said Mr Clarke of today’s celebrations.

'"One of the poet’s surviving children, Margi Blunden, 74, has welcomed the release of the poem, describing it as apt for the present day “as we are in a situation that has echoes of war”. Find out more To find out more about how we covered the end of the war, Boris Johnson's official spokesman told reporters during a briefing:He held a Zoom call with a veteran, an amazing guy by the name of Ernie Horsfall.He is 102 and one of the UK's oldest surviving servicemen.Ernie served with the Army's Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers from 1940 to 1946 as a staff sergeant.He was in Naples on VE Day, on the outskirt of the city along the Pompeii road, running workshops to repair and maintain tanks.He and the PM had a really lovely conversation, they spoke for just over half an hour.

For the last few months, Hoskins has become preoccupied with tracking down the mysterious ‘Penny’, Gunn’s wartime sweetheart.To coincide with Friday’s 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE) Day, Hoskins has launched a campaign to ‘Find Penny’ - or, if she is dead, to find her children or grandchildren.Speaking at the Scottish Government's daily coronavirus briefing, the First Minister paid tribute to those who served during the war as the country commemorated 75 years since the surrender of Nazi Germany and the end of fighting in Europe.Comparing the Second World War to the current pandemic, the First Minister said there is much to learn from those who fought and died, adding "we will overcome" the virus.Ms Sturgeon said: "On this, the 75th anniversary of VE Day, Scotland remembers all those who lost their lives during the conflict. "It's the principles of democracy that we want to get across," explains Moritz van Dülmen, whose Kulturprojekte is behind a number of events.Although many of the plans for Berlin's public holiday have been scrapped, including a street party, an open air exhibition and numerous events at museums, Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Frank-Walter Steinmeier are laying wreaths at Berlin's memorial for victims of war and tyranny. "I can truthfully say to you all that we children at home are full of cheerfulness and courage," she said. "There are some remarkable similarities, where the Queen says 'Never give up, never despair'.

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