The fact that this crisis took place before I was born is hardly an excuse as to why I have never learned about such an important event for the Aboriginal peoples.

At one moment I felt an absolute despair to finish my thesis! It makes it clear that something profoundly violent and unjust happened to Native populations.

In this context, it is important to keep in mind that identities are formed not only by politics, but also by the intersection of racial, sexual and gendered boundaries.We begin to understand that Natives, homosexuals and women are parts of groups that have had to counteract the socially imposed stereotypes perpetuated by the white dominant power structure. They simply had no choice but to resist their oppressors.As the documentary shows us what is going on behind the barricades, we are able to go behind the scenes and enter the psychology of the resistors. There was an entire historical legacy to this problem, and that is why the Natives were engaged in activism and resistance. The following questions could be discussed before viewing:In the case of the internationally televised standoff between Kanien’kéhaka (Mohawk) protesters and police and military in Oka, Quebec, the Canadian government spent more than $155M to dismantle the blockades and peace camp that had been set up by the protesters in the summer of 1990.I will never forget being in Heathrow airport in August of 1990 and seeing the news footage of the Canadian army in full gear, using tanks to face down the Mohawk warriors and clan mothers. Our Alexandra Juhasz, meanwhile, deals with oppression that exists in the context of sexual orientation. ImagineNATIVE is turning 20 this year and the NFB, a long-time friend of the festival, is heading to the anniversary edition with nine projects — a slate that includes four world premieres. We see, in genuine terms, the legacy of the genocide perpetrated against the Indians. Thanks to Phdify team I finished my thesis in time! Overall, this is real history.Thus, it becomes clear why tensions broke out when developers tried to expand a private golf course into the Pines.

Unfortunately, this voice is never truly objective.

The struggle over identity, therefore, entails efforts directed toward gaining recognition by others. The author sees Xena as being part of the “feminist camp” because it subverts “female stereotypes.” (Morreale, p.204) In this aspect, therefore, we see how resistance also operates in the realm of gender. The term ‘archival material’ covers a dizzying spectrum of possibilities, everything from radio interviews to family snapshots, and it can provide the lifeblood to a historical documentary. Thus, just as the film Kahensatake gives us the ingredients of the Native struggle, this article by Hart shows the lives of gay men who suffer from HIV. In this documentary, women are clearly in charge a large amount of the time, and, in one scene, they discuss the importance of forming a line, since they see themselves as responsible for defending the earth.In this documentary, therefore, we see many traditional and spiritual beliefs of the Natives, and we come to understand why they are engaged in fighting for their culture. The media landscape concerning the crisis had profound slant against the indigenous activists and in support of the Canadian government response.

It clearly reflects that the causes of this injustice reside in attitudes, as well as in institutions.Kanehsatake is a very provocative film, and Canadians should watch it, since they will see how important it is for the Natives to engage in activism and resistance for their rights. According to Lewis, new coverage at the time "often relied on government press releases and other one-sided sources." No, it was far deeper than that. The documentary's focus on the circumstances revolving around Oka crystallizes the accumulated pain of white oppression. The documentary gives us a portrait of the people behind the barricades, providing insight into the Mohawks' determination to protect their land.This documentary fits into the whole theme and reality of resistance and activism in general. A film account about the military 1990 siege of a Native American reserve near Oka, Quebec, Canada and its causes. Juhasz points out that “HIV TV is a direct recording of the feelings, knowledge, and concerns of a very significant community of people affected by AIDS.” (Juhasz, p.148) In this way, gay people can allow society to show their activism and resistance against a heterosexual and patriarchal social order that stigmatizes homosexuality.Overall, in the documentary under examination, as well as the three readings, we see how activism and resistance occurs on the realms of race, sexuality and gender. The lengths that the army went to in denying reporters access to the protest camp is worthy of note. Directed by Alanis Obomsawin.

Produced by the National Film Board of Canada, the film won 18 Canadian and international awards, including the Distinguished Documentary Achievement Award from the International Documentary Association and the CITY TV Award for Best Canadian Feature Film from the Toronto Festival of Festivals. I chose this film here because the celebrated Abenaki filmmaker told me recently: "For me a real documentary is when you are really listening to somebody.

One could also ask: Why is it that the only news coverage allowed was the “official” reporting, which relied on hostile community and government spokespersons to “explain” the crisis?Despite these attempts to prevent the Mohawk from telling their side of the story, the filmmakers were able to record the events as they happened, in addition to chronicling the many broken promises and treaty violations that led up to the standoff. Kanehsatake 270 Years of Resistance is arguably Alanis Obomsawin's most important film, documenting the military 1990 siege of a Mohawk reserve near Oka, Quebec, and its causes. Overall, the author notes that “we are shown the absurdity of women’s status as spectacle.” (Morreale, p. 207) Thus, Xena can be seen as a feminist text.Lynda Hart also discusses oppression as it exists within the context of gender roles. Phdify saved me from a total disaster, and now I have my PhD.

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