We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your email. a strange hope for the future...Reality and cinema are more connected than you might think, and fate often has a cruel sense of humor. Producers System Co. Labyrinth of Cinema marks the master's latest return to Onimichi, where a cinema turns into something like a time machine transporting a bunch of youngsters to several crucial moments in Japanese history.
Nobuhiko Obayashi's feverish narrative is not only the most important movie made by Obayashi but also the most important Japanese movie of the last decade. We won’t be able to verify your ticket today, but it’s great to know for the future.Regal August 13, 2020 The film's cast also includes Rei Yoshida, Riko Narumi, Hirona Ya… The culmination of an exceptional 60-year career worth celebrating. While we have made it a cultural tradition here in Hollywood-dominated American cinema to condescend low-budget production values, as is evident for cult ‘bad movies’ like The visual template used in the movie continually distorts reality, making it obvious that what we are watching is people play-acting in fake scenarios, with fake props, and a fake background. Get an ad-free reading experience, access to audio recordings of our articles and exclusive access to giveaways, join our community on Discord, and more.Soham Gadre is a writer/filmmaker in the Washington D.C. area. mon Time travel the way of cinema.大林宣彥的前作《花筐》是我遲到許久,第一次真的認識這位導演並領教到他極為特殊風格的作品。這次補看幾部他風格相對較為傳統的早期成名作,即使仍有許多破格的影像處理,還是可以理解其中的邏輯。但在看去年大林宣彥最後一部片《電影藏寶盒》之前,因為距離《兩個人》也將近三十年,還是做足了心理準備會看到一部延續《花筐》風格的作品,結果也一如預料的難以消化。就個人的理解,《電影藏寶盒》大致上要看大林宣彥的兩個命題,一個是以他一貫的少女敘事去訴說反思日本二戰的歷史,是先前戰爭三部曲的延續。第二個是他發展了一輩子的電影美學,那些迷離、平面、後設的影像與敘事,如何結構與深入何謂電影的命題。在這他有意做為最後遺作的作品中,一開頭從這些面向開展的氣勢其實非常的驚人。電影做為一個「穿越」的載體,它可以穿越時間,回望過去或是與現在未來對話,也可以穿越現實與虛構,更是在作者和觀者之間來回的穿越對話。電影以在尾道的一家虛構電影院的最後一場放映開始,一個從未來回到現在的敘事者,和觀眾席中的三位男主角,在銀幕裏外穿梭追尋一位神秘少女的身影。電影將所有可能做為現實的基準點全部解放開來,他們同時身在銀幕內外,時而化身歷史中的角色,時而坐在座位上。大林宣彥式粗糙虛假的綠幕特效影像,大量的旁白、字卡與後設的鏡頭視角,都一再提醒著銀幕界面的存在。如果要找一個方式來描述這部電影,對我來說這其實很像是一張電影的「分解圖」。一般傳統的電影是將創作者表面上所運用的符號、元素,以特定的思想邏輯、架構去組裝、壓縮成一部完成的電影,觀者則是反過來透過感官去感知,用智識、直覺去理解、聯想、拆解電影中的所有元素,以尋找更高維度的意義。但《電影藏寶盒》倒像是取消了觀者必需在不同維度穿越的工作,將所有的概念展示在面前,所有的旁白、剪接做為觀看的導引,觀眾不再需要自己去發現去看,電影一部份幫你把這些工作做掉了。當發生一個事件,剪接會提醒你可以連結到先前另一個事件,看到一張臉孔,電影也會告訴你先前在哪邊看過,當感到疑惑,電影幫你把問題問出來,並把答案解釋給你。一般電影通常會將這些暗示、導演做得透明,讓觀眾相信自己能主動參與浸入電影之中,在這部片中直接拿掉了這層幻覺,它不要你沉浸在電影中的世界,不用去指向真實,所以你看不到任何擬真的場景,或合理的敘事邏輯,它所做的可能就是詮釋、告知與反應。當然如果觀眾認知到電影的形式運作,總是可以進入更高的維度去追問這一切有何意義,而《電影藏寶盒》的簡報式、電視短劇式、超連結式...等等幾乎像是反電影的手法,可以說超越時代,但也可以說是一種在當代的復古實驗,比如高達的作品就一再挑戰影像和文字的連結,或是可能較為通俗、傳統的費里尼,在意識流夢境和電影的後設藝術視角的嘗試,這些實在是超出我可以處理的範圍。總之大林宣彥的《電影藏寶圖》在這個意義上逼迫你放棄某些成見,去思考電影更基本的元素是什麼。但反過來他可能也不想要你去想,他只是有故事想講,有最後的話想要訴說,電影是個巨大的文本迷宮,你陷入其中三個小時,迷失在各種資訊、情節、人物、畫面、情緒之中,一切如此的紛雜、滿溢。Some are good, some are bad.

Rambly, but in the sense of a man who knows this is his final word and is begging you to listen.

Thank you for all of the amazing art you've given to the world Obayashi. Kazuto has a lifelong dream of becoming an actor, but has been suffering from a special medical condition where he faints and collapses when he gets nervous. Labyrinth of Cinema is effective in conveying its anti-war message through a series of scenarios that reflect Japan’s chaotic wartime history. The audience cannot help but empathize with the protagonists, who the film portrays as innocent characters thrust into the toughest situations.

I had heard about Obayashi's madcap style prior to seeing this, and that style is certainly present here in spades.…Preserve the hope of the past and share their stories to prevent the atrocities of the future.Cloud Atlas the way of Brecht until it splits off in its second half. A breathless cinematic journey through Japan’s past, Labyrinth of Cinema finds Obayashi using every trick in his book to create an awe-inspiring, visually resplendent anti-war epic that urges us to consider cinema as a means to change history. Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist.Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends.
The film follows the life of Sada Abe, who became a celebrity in 1936 after strangling her lover and slicing off his penis. Find trailers, reviews, and all info for Labyrinth of Cinema by Nobuhiko Ôbayashi.

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