Arguably, the ward in the middle is the most beneficial of them all because it has many different spotting zones which can give you plenty of time to back off. For example, if you’re the red team, you would want to ward over and around the Dragon to spot the enemy. Instead of this, you would want to just place a trinket ward here.Furthermore, I do not recommend that you place in a Control Ward in the enemy’s bush as they would easily be able to clear it. Beyond that, split your warding between the lane brush (if your opponents use them for cover), the tri-brush, and dragon (post 5:00).After the laning phase ends, there aren’t many general, obvious warding locations to recommend. This trinket allows you to spot unseen units, traps, and wards within a reasonable distance of yourself as you move around. You will need to find a healthy balance between getting items and buying wards in relation to the game’s contextIf you look at the pros and study them, they do not aim for a score. It is a good idea to place Control Wards in the top side of the map as well as in the river to prevent any counter movements from the enemy.A good Control Ward in the top bush will deny any vision for the enemy which can come in handy to prevent a TP play or the enemy spotting your Jungler. This is why there are wards around the map. When you want to ward outside of their base, make sure that they will not be able to destroy it over the wall. Bottom laners have more success in being able to destroy the enemies vision as there are 2 people in the lane which gives them more of a chance to destroy it.

This guide should be used as guidance for you to make your own judgment of ‘worthwhile wards’ and this may mean that you disagree with some of our warding suggestions.The final image icon is a split of a Control Ward and a Warding Totem. Again, we’ve gone for even wards in the river to protect you against flanks as well as allow you to know if the enemy is rotating or not.When you are the red team Top Laner, you have a variety of warding locations for your early laning phase. Having a Control Ward in this position will deny the enemy any vision of the Jungler of being there.The blue team’s bottom side of the map has more warding locations compared to the enemies bottom side. Wards in these areas give your team a lot of information of the whereabouts of the enemy if they decided to leave your lane. When you are trying to take an objective, the enemy will try to stop you at all costs. After Patch 8.23, Riot nerfed the number of Control Wards one can hold from 3 to 2. Furthermore, the enemy could easily clear them if they were to check the bushes. This trinket reveals and disables wards and reveals stealth traps quite like a Control Ward. When you are behind, it’s important to not allow the enemy to continue their snowball and put other laners behind. A Control Ward's sight also: 1. The best way to get this item stacked is by going to trade with the enemy you when you have 3 stacks available.

Follow us: Copyright © 2016-2020 All rights reserved by Gamers Net, Inc.Mobalytics isn’t endorsed by Riot Games and doesn’t reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends. If you were to not ward your jungle and not place wards evenly, you would be unable to see if the enemy are trying to ambush you nor would you be able to see if they go to Baron or the Elder Dragon. It is a very cost efficient way of clearing wards even with it’s cooldown. I do not recommend that you use this as a general rule as it is a waste of wards, but it is something to keep in mind when you’re trying to rush and take an objective.Depending on what side of the map you’re on, you always want to have dedicated vision in the enemy’s side of the map. We will definitely be repeating ourselves, but when you are in the enemies territory, you need to have wards that are aggressive and defensive in case you have to back off. You might pick up one or two a game which on the surface seems like a good amount, however it is not nearly enough. For example, they would be prioritizing moving around your jungle compared to theirs and they would be stealing away all your camps. This ward is ultimately better because it also gives a wider vision zone.Another ward you want to avoid is the ward in the top side red jungle. It will also allow you to know if the enemy has gone for the Scuttle Crab at the 2-minute mark and also tell you if the enemy is not doing it which means that you can take it.If you are against a champion who is notorious for level 2 ganks such as Shaco, Twitch, Jarvan, or Camille, warding here can potentially prevent an early gank as you would be able to spot them going through the river if they were to take this route.Now let’s move onto why you should stand in the areas suggested at level 1. This is to prevent any potential a bush by the enemy who may be hiding behind a wall or in the darkness. Instead, it is picked up during the mid game by the Jungler and purchased after the Support has completed their warding quest. For us to achieve this, it was important that everybody knew what the basics were before we move on. This will allow you to steal away their camps. Unlike the other ward … Try to place wards on paths they may take to get to that tower. They just place them when they need them. If you do not place any Control Ward or place so little, how do you expect to become good at vision control?The Oracle Lens is a trinket that activates around your champion for 10 seconds. If they cannot come and help you, you could go when Nocturne is spotted some else on the map as this will be the safest time to place wards.It’s time to wind down this vision guide with a small reminder and a remark that you should think about when warding in the future. This will make it much safer when you try to contest them. This is not going to be ideal for every role and it is only really the Support and the Jungler are who will use a Sweeping Lens. Keep this in mind if you are placing multiple wards around the map. It’s important to keep this limitation in mind when you are thinking of placing your wards.The limit that is put upon us can be quite devastating for Supports compared to any of the other roles because nobody else will place 3 of wards at any given time.

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