Strategy Liandry's Torment is best for champions that deal magic damage over an extended period of time like Amumu , Anivia , Brand , Cassiopeia , Fiddlesticks , Heimerdinger , Lillia , Malzahar , Mordekaiser , Rumble , Singed , Teemo . I'm an anivia main and my preferred build path is to get liandry's my third item.

Chaque coup de dégâts inflige 2% des PV actuels de la cible sous la forme de dégâts magiques, et chaque coup est calculé individuellement. I was just wondering when I should be building Liandry's Torment.

Or should this be something that should be bought if the enemy is building magic resist since this item has magic penetration? Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. What do you think?

If the same hit that triggers Torment also causes the movement impairment, the first hit of Torment would also received boosted damage.

Liandry's Torment was a bit of a contradiction: The percent health damage made it decent against tanks, while the flat magic penetration made it decent against squishy targets.

I see a lot of pros building it and was just curious as to when. Hi! Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote. Le passif de Tourment de Liandry inflige des dégâts en 6 coups, à des intervalles de 0,5 sec. 1 [-] BlackRoseGirl (6) | November 18, 2019 1:52pm anybody tell me what is the best use of this item, and for what is the purposeThis item is mainly aimed at AP damage over time champions like I was wondering if this is worth it on Ahri to boost the extra damage you get from her charm even more..?Singed, that's all i can say. share. 100% Upvoted.

As a result, it either didn't do either job exceptionally, or it ended up overtuned, and doing both jobs too well. Liandry's is trash on him lol. Liandry's Torment? … Note that the damage amp amplifies both physical and magic damage and that the damage over time can be procced by any spell with damage regardless of damage type. save hide report. Hey guys, I'm trying to learn azir. We’re adding more max HP burn to address this while reducing its AP to limit burst power slightly.Liandry's Torment was a bit of a contradiction: The percent health damage made it decent against tanks, while the flat magic penetration made it decent against squishy targets. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! We're shifting Liandry's Torment into being the tank bleeding item, and rewarding champions who want to … You can also pair it with Morellonomicon to automatically re-apply grievous wounds on your target with each tick of Torment. Liandry's + Rod Of Ages + Singed = FF at 15.Watch me get it for Urgot and they will burn with his Noxian Corrosive Charge....wait I already bought it for him...and I liked it...Does that mean that Rod of ages would be good on him?Would this be considered a "must-buy" on Fiddlesticks? I realise it helps in killing tanks so should I ever prioritise it over void staff? Want to support MOBAFire with an ad-free experience? We're shifting Liandry's Torment into being the tank bleeding item, and rewarding champions who want to stay in combat for a while, casting spell after spell on the beefy boys.Liandry’s Torment is a natural pairing for Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, and many of its purchasers care primarily about that two-item power spike.

While it has a solid set of core users who meet the first condition, it could do a better job of dealing with multiple tanks. Liandry's Torment.

So when should I do that? Liandry’s has a pretty clear purpose—build it when you have damage over time and CC in your kit, or when the enemy has a really tanky team. I would rather buy something that has more ability power if the enemy isn't building any magic resist.Teemo shrooms wouldnt be as annoying without this item.Madness: Damaging champions increases the damage you deal by

He has no DoT and Ryze is the type of caster who just wants to nuke people down with his low CDs kiting inbetween his cooldowns. Also, I see a lot of people only build Haunting Guise, then finish Liandrys later on in the game. This thread is archived.

As a result, it either didn't do either job exceptionally, or it ended up overtuned, and doing both jobs too well. It pairs well with Rylai's Crystal Scepter as it can keep slowing enemies for whole Torment duration as well as increasing the damage of Liandry's Torment. 9 comments.

Liandry's Torment has four components: 80 AP, 300 Health, a 10% damage amp that stacks up over 5 seconds, and a %maxhp damage over time that procs on spell damage. Combined with the changes to Rylai’s, we are less concerned with RyLiandry’s being abused by non-core users, and thus can afford to let those core users hit their spike earlier. MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. It makes sense in my mind to get it on azir after you get rylai's against tanky teams for that percent health and magic pen.

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