(A The site tags above come from those assigned by the original list curators.

But one necessary skill of every student is knowing how to perform an independent critical evaluation of web resources.It’s true for books, surveys, journals, publications, and, of course, websites—which are often the most difficult type of source to estimate.So if you’re wondering how to evaluate internet resources, check for these main signs of source credibility:Scholarly sources always note their authors. Well, that is … Any website that contains .edu or .gov in the URL code would serve as an example of a credible online source. You can always use our list of credible resources to find the newest information in politics, science, or economics.There are several ways to solve the issue of how to evaluate internet sources. And not every site uses honest ways to achieve this respect.A lot of books, articles, and films are full of obscurantism—the intentional hiding of information. There is no restriction for the number of blogs and moreover no fact-checking body that individually checks each content. If the writer is trying to convince you or put a specific idea into your head—be careful with the information the article offers.There are also many websites that are selling something—for example, a course. Are there mistakes in grammar or formatting? So knowing what is credible and what is not is essential even if you aren’t taking part in scientific research.And things get even more challenging when you need to do a source evaluation for academic writing. They may or may not possess the right information. Examples of Credible Websites We will write a custom essay specifically for you We will write a custom essay specifically for you ❓ What is an example of a credible online source? We grouped their differing labels into our set of six tags.This is only phase one of the IFCN’s unreliable news index. A reliable website could be written by a professor whose goal is to sell more books, while a hoax website may confuse its readers trying to gain popularity.When evaluating online resources, try to uncover the primary aim of the writer. However, that’s not the case with blogs. If the page is full of 404 links, there’s a big chance that it’s a non-credible resource.There are many possible motivations for having a blog. By Kelsey Sutton. Does it have huge ad banners that hinder the website usage? One of them is to find academic sources with search engines developed specifically for students and professors.Here are some examples of good search engines for research papers. If the source is a study, read the abstract carefully. I say this as someone who’s left-leaning politically.In#6 on Website reliability check, you missed number 3.We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. In times when anyone can put information on the internet, you can’t tell whether a website is scientific or not from just the first glance.So, how is it possible to distinguish credible sources from hoax websites without spending days doing it?We’ll show you the fastest way to estimate your sources—several tips that can be applied to any kind of website. Look for the original article on the internet—you can, for example, copy part of the text and put it in your favorite search engine.In the example, the text is found only on the website that published the original article.Try to find where the author posted it in the first place. To determine that an online source might not be credible, pay attention to details.

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