"If he was on Demerol, for instance, this slows the gut down, and he may have felt full a lot." "Now, was his appetite the same as mine?" Typically, picky eaters are okay with pasta, especially since it comes in so many varieties.A few sources cite the fact that Jackson was into Mexican food, but typically the one dish that constantly comes up is spicy smoked red chile enchiladas. Not only are they sharing feelings they may have been holding back, but they’re telling other survivors that it’s okay to profess their own experiences if they feel comfortable in doing so. But Ayoob said he harbors doubt about the veracity of the physical. He was a prime example of a very good father.”Rumors of an eating disorder were nothing new. He believes the rumor that Jackson suffered from an eating disorder is based on "something that someone made up. So, were there any red flags in his choices that may have indicated a big problem? Multiple sources have confirmed that he often had buckets all over his home. "If he was at 112 -- if those reports are true -- he's cachexic." In a 2007 study, Harvard University researchers found that men account for 25 percent of Americans with anorexia or bulimia and 40 percent of those with binge-eating disorder. Keith-Thomas Ayoob, a nutritionist at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx, N.Y., said he would not be surprised if reports that Jackson had only been eating one meal a day turned out to be true -- especially if the singer had been taking a number of different medications, as some of those close to him have suggested. "He was always thin, but he was also in the middle of a very stressful time, getting ready for the tour," said LaPerruque, who noted that he last saw Jackson about four weeks ago at a Beverly Hills restaurant.

"But when I put him through the routine and everything, I mean, it was just fine -- I mean, very energetic." Michael Jackson in Robot Chicken. "Hey, be cool." The pecan cookie was likely a hit, as he reportedly didn’t care for chocolate.Most vegetarians have to face pasta dishes on special occasions, but Jackson wasn’t a fan. He also likely avoided birthday cake.

"He might have been a little thin because he was under a lot of stress training for the tour," Ferrigno said. "It was always a running joke with us, that I needed to put meat on his bones." He was raised a Jehovah’s Witness and was active with them for many years until It could have been due to his busy schedule, but Niall said it wasn’t uncommon for Jackson to end up skipping meals.

"He was just careful about what he ate; he just tried to be healthy," said Kevin McLin, a friend of the family and Jackson's former publicist. "He ate turkey burgers, Chinese food, a lot of vegetables. One of his specialty dishes was A lot of pop stars have that one junk food craving, and for Michael Jackson, it was reportedly KFC. He always tried to eat healthy stuff. His friend David Gest, who supported him during his trial and made a film about him prior to Jackson nutritionist, Cherilyn Lee, said in July of 2009 that the singer was really into trail mix as a way to get some energy. "I even said to him, 'Michael, this is the skinniest I've ever seen you.' Regardless of the reason, however, Ayoob said he believes Jackson's skinny appearance suggests a problem. "I always saw what they were eating, and it was always healthy -- chicken, brown rice, vegetables," he said. He “was the type of person who could just go, go, go for hours without eating, and then be famished,” Niall said, It’s a bit disturbing to hear of the methods that his chef tried in order to get him to eat healthier, but it seemed to work. On rare occasions, LaPerruque said, Jackson would send his assistants out for an order from Roscoe's House of Chicken and Waffles, or an order of hot wings -- another of his junk food favorites. One of Jackson’s favorite foods around the Another strange food choice for Jackson were “ookies,” which were cookies made with pecans and sweetened with maple syrup. Otherwise, his diet was dangerously more liquid-based. "He may not have had an eating disorder in the sense of anorexia or binging and purging," Ayoob said. "In terms of his weight, if was still at 125, he was emaciated," he said. LaPerruque further noted that when he was working with Jackson, he was often responsible for taking the food from hotel room service and placing it on the table for the pop star and his children. Because, during the time Niall toured with him, he didn’t celebrate his birthday. "He was always eating healthy." During his appearance on "Good Morning America," Ferrigno's statements appeared to support that explanation. —From Back to the Future Part II by Craig Shaw Gardner (quote, pages 28 and 29) Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009), also known as the King of Pop or by his initials MJ, was an internation… "One meal a day is not enough, but it is not unusual for someone who was on a lot of medications," he said. “They had structure,” Lee also noted to E! It seemed to be a healthier version than a standard cookie that used sugar. “They sat down and had dinner together at night. Even though he’d say a lot of times, ‘I’m not hungry,’ this is what he wanted to do. The mothers of both boys who came forward in the documentary made it seem like aside from fame and fortune, Michael Jackson was As you know, your palate grows with you. Let’s start from the beginning.Mani Niall, one of his former personal chefs, said that his Why? So it may not have been an eating disorder in the traditional sense.

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