See how much you know about dinosaurs by taking this rockin' quiz. These little guys were roaming the Earth during the late Jurassic Period.While the Gallimimus could reach about six and a half feet tall, it was nearly 20 feet long and weighed up to 440 pounds. These giant flyers were found across the Great Plains region of the United States.The crests on this dinosaur's head most likely made it look terrifying. Its armor was so heavy that it had to eat quite a bit of food to gain the strength to support itself.This spiny carnivore lived around 95 million years ago, but it wasn't discovered until 1993.
ANIMALS Answer a range of interesting questions related to everything from the Tyrannosaurus rex to the Diplodocus. The three skeletons that were originally found took two years to collect.The Nigersaurus lived in what is now Africa (specifically, Niger). Do you have what it takes to be a paleontologist? This massive beast reached up to 23 feet long and though its teeth were sharp, they were smooth on the sides (not serrated).The Megalosaurus has features that mimic the Tyrannosaurus Rex. 1/20. However, it found itself part of several carnivore's diets, including the Torvosaurus and Allosaurus.Looking very much like a Brontosaurus, the Brachiosaurus was discovered in western Colorado in 1903 by Elmer Riggs. It's name literally means "different lizard." It is a hard-headed carnivore with short arms.

The Therizinosaurus is our answer. It lived nearly 100 million years ago, and it was on the menu for predators like the Mapusaurus, even though it was over 100 feet long.The Pachycephalosaurus was a dinosaur with a built in helmet on its head. By clicking "Sign Up" you are agreeing to our Take this just-for-fun personality quiz to find out where you fall in the dinosaur food chain.
It is estimated that the Allosaurus lived nearly 165 million years ago.How much do you know about dinosaurs?

Which Dinosaur Is It? Jurassic Park Quiz: Can You Name The Dinosaur? During which period did the Tyrannosaurus rex live?What is the name of someone who studies dinosaurs? Though it only weighed around 3,700 pounds, it could take down an Iguanodon with ease, and good thing, because that was its food of choice.A dinosaur with a funny name and a funny shape, the Quetzacoatlus was a dinosaur that could fly. If you think you know a thing or two about dinosaurs, try taking this quiz to see if you can identify 40 of the 700 species from just a single image.Also known as the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the T-Rex, this beast is estimated to weigh over 32,000 pounds. North America b. If you think you know a thing or two about dinosaurs, try taking this quiz to see if you can identify 40 of the 700 species from just a single image. Sometimes we explain how stuff works, other times, we ask you, but we’re always exploring in the name of fun! If you've ever seen an eagle, you probably had a good idea of how big this "small" dinosaur was.Many believe that a Stygimoloch is merely a younger Pachycephalosaurus, but others consider it a species all its own. However, this carnivore really lived and was found in Northeastern China.Titanosaurus was a long-necked dinosaur that lived in what is now India. a.

Our award-winning website offers reliable, easy-to-understand explanations about how the world works. 1000 years ago. However, the Megalosaurus is generally found in Southern England, while the T-Rex is usually found in Western North America.Ceratosaurus means "horn lizard," and this dinosaur doesn't disappoint. When did dinosaurs go extinct? However, its remains have only been found in what is now considered Alberta, Canada.This raptor definitely had features. Share. These long-necked dinosaurs could get up to nearly 100 feet long.The Pterodactyl is one of the most well-known flying dinosaurs around. Most of its remains are found in the now Western United States and Canada. It was first discovered in 1887 in Denver, Colorado. The wingspan reached around three feet, and the body of the dinosaur itself only reacted about four feet long. Who discovered the first dinosaur fossil in England in 1822?What dinosaur-themed book was turned into a film in 1993?Which came first, the Cretaceous or Jurassic Period?Which Toronto basketball team has a dinosaur claw on their club badge?Someone used the bones of an Apatosaurus and pretended they'd discovered a new kind of dinosaurLook, There's a Big Dinosaur Crushing My House by Benjamin Myers ... What is the name of someone who studies dinosaurs? Dinosaur Quiz. They only grew to be about twelve inches in length, but they could move pretty fast.This terrifying creature could run up to 34 miles per hour to catch its prey.

Cool Dinosaur Quiz. These herbivores were indigenous to the area now known as North America.The Stegosaurus may look like it's well protected with a weapon for a tail and large plates on its back. Lucky for you, HowStuffWorks Play is here to help. Because learning is fun, so stick with us! '90s kids know that dinosaurs are pretty much the coolest things ever, and after we saw them reanimated in "Jurassic Park" (1993), we all wanted to learn a little bit more about the beasts that once roamed the Earth. It is estimated that the Ceratosaurus lived up to 162 million years ago.The Sarcosuchus lived nearly 145 million years ago, and didn't go extinct until about 93 million years ago. Even though it reached nearly 33 feet long, it weighed between three and four tons.With a mouth like that, the Baryonyx easily had no trouble fitting food in its mouth. Its hunting method was ambushing.The Albertosaurus is closely related to the Tryannosaurus Rex, and it lived very close to the same area. However, the two are closely related.Estimated to be about 50 feet long and nearly 30,000 pounds, the Mosasaurus lived about 70 million years ago, and it made sounds like a walrus.

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