Paternity leave in the Netherlands: five weeks at 70% pay. We will keep you informed of the actual effective date.For more information on all the rules and regulations on Leaves of Absence types, please click below.In the Netherlands, employees can make use of various statutory leave schemes including, sickness, holiday leave. Provide your contact information to get in touch Together, we’re redefining the world of work, reshaping retirement and investment outcomes, and unlocking real health and well-being.Our latest announcements and press releases, both global and local.Be a part of our global team dedicated to building brighter futures for employers and their people.Sign in now to quickly complete your online purchase, view your order history, or download your purchased reports.Get started and create an account today to access personalized recommendations on our site, receive member-only discounts, and speed up your checkout process !In the Netherlands, partners of mothers who give birth are entitled to five days of paid leave from 1 Jan 2019, increasing to six weeks from 1 Jul 2020, under a new From 1 Jan 2019, partners are entitled to five days of paternity leave, which must be taken during the first four weeks after the baby's birth. For the period of 5 weeks, the partner will receive 70 percent of their wages. A number of new or higher standards are set with the right to request flexible working arrangements.As of 1 July 2020, fathers as well as mothers in same-sex couples will receive 5 weeks’ Paternity Leave in the first 6 months after the baby’s birth. Who will be responsible for the costs of this compensation is up to the decision by the country. The government pays up to 100% of the employee's salary, capped at €4,660.59 gross per month. It helps us to understand your interests and enhance the site. Dutch labor law limits fully-paid partner/paternity leave to one week. In order to request for a paternity leave, you need to to get in touch with your manager or employer directly.
Anticipating the new regulation will take effect July 2022. Sign in now to quickly complete your online purchase, view your order history, or download your purchased reports.Get started and create an account today to access personalized recommendations on our site, receive member-only discounts, and speed up your checkout process !Explore Mercer’s latest thinking to see how we’re helping to redefine the world of work, reshape retirement and investment outcomes, and unlock real health and well-being.At Mercer, we believe in building brighter futures. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience.This site uses cookies to collect information about your browsing activities to provide you with more relevant content and materials. The WIEG will extend the two-day paid paternity/partner leave that partners have under the current entitlement to up to five days paid (to be taken within four weeks of the childbirth). The leave must be taken over a period of 26 weeks starting any time up to four weeks before the adoption date, but employees can request to take blocks of adoption leave during that time period.
Employers can refuse to grant paternity leave only for compelling business reasons but must agree to alternative arrangements with the employee.From 1 Jan 2019, paid leave on the adoption or fostering of a child increased to six weeks, up from four.

It is a new Directive on work-life balance for parents and carers.

Families must be able to maintain the “decent living standard”.

If your employee takes less than 6 weeks pregnancy leave before the birth, she is entitled to add the remaining amount (up to 2 weeks) to her maternity leave after the birth. These cookies do not store any personal information.Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies.

Employers can refuse to grant leave only for compelling business reasons. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website.

From 1 July 2020, partners can also take up to five weeks additional unpaid leave. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies.

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