Two people in China have been diagnosed with plague, the latest cases of a disease more commonly associated with historical catastrophe.

That post, which has since been deleted, was published by CN-Healthcare, a website that covers health care news in China. Since 2002, the World Health Organization (WHO) has reported seven plague outbreaks, though some may go unreported because they often happen in remote areas. It is passed from rodent to rodent via fleas. Saving Lives, Protecting People China has a history of covering up and being slow to announce infectious outbreaks, prompting many people to call for transparency this time.“The plague is not the most terrifying part,” one user wrote on Weibo. Cross-border agreements can improve ability to respond effectively.The index patient (patient A) was a Ugandan woman, aged 35 years, living in DRC, approximately 5 km from the Ugandan border. Reportedly, her husband in DRC died of an acute illness at approximately the same time, and others in patient A’s family in DRC were ill, some with “fever and swellings.”On March 3 in Uganda, patient B, aged 23 years (the sister of patient A), developed fever.
While there, she complained of chest pain, experienced at least one episode of hemoptysis, and was admitted to a nearby clinic around midday the following day, February 28.

... Pneumonic plague is one of three types of infectious disease known as plague caused by the same bacterium, Yersinia pestis. In 2014 there were 16 cases and four deaths in the US, including that of a Recent epidemics have been reported in Africa, Asia and South America, predominately in rural regions. Fifty-three traced contacts (41%) had high-risk exposure as determined by subjective assessment of their distance from either patient and presumed patient infectiousness (During a 10-day follow-up period, no identified contacts developed plague-like symptoms, and no indication of plague activity in Uganda was detected despite active clinic-, community-, and rodent-based surveillance for plague in the region. She was buried in her ancestral village, preparation for which began the day of her death and culminated 2 days later, on March 2 (Meanwhile, on March 1, a local government office in Uganda received an alert from a private health clinic in DRC warning of possible plague circulation in a village near the border, the village from which patient A had come. His wife also developed a fever and respiratory problems. Patients diagnosed with pneumonic plague, which causes high fevers and shortness of breath, sometimes first contract the closely related and more well-known disease, Fears are mounting in China over a possible outbreak of the disease, once known as the Black Death, which killed tens of millions of people in medieval Europe, and spread through Asia and Africa. Consequently, a team from UVRI’s plague program, along with local health officials, initiated plague education and risk communication at area health clinics and with village residents, in concert with the burial of patient A. But recovery rates are high if detected and treated with antibiotics, within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms, the agency said. Ninety-eight (76%) persons reported contact with patient A, including those involved in handling her body after her death. Two people in China are being treated for plague, authorities said Tuesday.
The fate of patient A’s DRC-based family and community members, given the likely ongoing circulation of Plague persists in transmission cycles involving rodents and fleas on several continents, including Africa (Worldwide, most plague occurs following the bite of an infected flea and results in bubonic plague, characterized by acute fever and a painful swollen lymph node (Patient B’s exposure to patient A was limited to the morning hours of February 28 and was followed by patient B’s illness onset approximately 72 hours later. Two cases of the fatal and highly infectious illness, which is related to bubonic plague, were found in Beijing, prompting fears of an outbreak. Bubonic plague is an infection of the lymphatic system, usually resulting from the bite of an infected flea, Xenopsylla cheopis (the rat flea). Unlike the two patients with pneumonic plague, a 55-year-old man in a different area of the country came down with the bubonic variant of the sickness.

But plague is back in the news after China reported three cases of the infectious disease earlier this month. “After so many years of specialist training, I’m familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of most respiratory diseases,” wrote Dr. Li.

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