It consisted of 16 episodes.James Roday, Dulé Hill, Timothy Omundson, Maggie Lawson, and Corbin Bernsen reprised their roles as the main … When a twenty-something computer geek inadvertently downloads critical government secrets into his brain, the C.I.A. They have managed to pick a fantastic buddy team that has perfect timing.
Gus starts digging and is mortified to find a body buried there. Shawn says he hasn’t told him yet.Shawn and Gus arrive at the SBPD. Lassiter is shocked to hear this, but trusts Betsy’s instincts and approves it anyway. Shawn and his best friend Burton "Gus" Gu ster (Dulé Hill) own a business called "Psych". He needs to solve the case with Gus before Brannigan solves it. Shawn did more good for the SBPD than Lassiter could have ever imagined, and for that he will be forever thankful. He had a ceremonial hood on for twenty minutes, and is worried Arthur might have suffocated. They bring it back to the morgue and Woody tells Shawn the body belongs to a man named Chris Cheramie. On their way to the crime scene, Head Detective Betsy Brannigan explains to Lassiter that she hasn’t hired a new Junior Detective yet because she prefers to work alone. S8 episode 10. Shawn takes Gus to their old high school, Leland Bosseigh High. He can’t bring himself to do it in person… We then learn that the video of Shawn recounting this whole story is actually a “goodbye DVD” he made for Gus explaining why he couldn’t tell him this news in person.

He was killed with a 9mm gun, and there are bullets riddled all over his body. Gus, meanwhile, realizes he's in a room full of doctors, and gingerly steps around the body to start networking. One of the doctors was stealing and cooking the books. Gus is confused as to why they are there and tells Shawn that he’s been acting crazy this entire investigation. Shawn is impressed and Gus is thrilled to finally have a job where his work is appreciated and rewarded. They chase after the robber, and it feels just like old times. Shawn tells Ian he knows what really happened and starts to break down the case. Shawn finally admits to Gus that this is their last case together, and that he wanted to take Gus to their old high school because it’s filled with great memories. He becomes visibly and vocally uncomfortable.
Just then, Betsy stops by Lassiter’s office to tell him she wants Buzz McNab to be her Junior Detective. Lassiter advises him to take Gus to a happy place filled with old memories, so that when he breaks the news to Gus, the blow will be a bit softened.

Shawn arrives in San Francisco and immediately goes to see Juliet, who’s in the middle of investigating a crime scene. Plus, he hasn't been out of the country in years and so wouldn't have been able to bring back a snake from Brazil.Shawn and Gus are visiting all the doctors' offices from the lodge to compare handwriting. However, Shawn ends up finding new clues that lead them closer to the truth.

« Season 8 | Unknown Season See also. Ian explains he and Warren were in real estate together until Warren left the partnership to start his own venture; which is odd because the business they ran together was doing well. Lassiter is shocked to hear this, but trusts Betsy’s instincts and approves it anyway. With the assistance of his reluctant best friend, the duo take on a series of complicated cases. 7 Dec. 2007. He knows they have an in, and he wants them to share any information they get. Now Shawn and Gus are able to move about freely and they discover that Holmstrom was being inducted as the Highmost Patriarch of the lodge, skipping the three other people who ranked above him for the spot, including Irving Parker, who, in the wake of Holmstrom's death, is the new Highmost Patriarch. It's a match. Gus advises her to not work alone because working alone is the saddest of situations to be in. They hide as the intruder rifles through Holmstrom's things and leaves.

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