This is the first SPO Radiolab assignment to also have an associated PowerPoint, featuring photos that follow the story line. stream Timing for advancing the slides is in the notes section of the PowerPoint. %PDF-1.3

Then choose either Section II OR Section III and answer all questions in that … x�\m��6��_�O�Y\�Z~��R$m��/�6Y\qh�f7�M�of�Is������{(��=�eO����2E�)�����ټ6�4�en�,��&kM�-�mckӔy�m�f���bv��/o�9�5��{�G�4/�7]�E�69=�VEmmr~m��S�m[sznJ�:���k���5֜>7����Չ���ʼn�����fc���I�kn�O�s�����������Ǹ�͉��D �x��OLi6{���I�x\0GL��2�ߚ�O�ԆS�U��Mm��^m����X��g�#B�' ��c���D�����~�[����?.�ǝtt���iL�ōOH�(y�L�� O�)�����ݙB7ȇ0b�F�֦m�mUP��:��˂z��2��-Ff�Y>�~vB|���I���P7� 7~���ōW�/Ċ��~"��u����� ��@ĉ��ߧ�S�eڎ���T�H*ɡ��S#Ű|h���o����;�7!R+I*'��AD�O��N]��H�A��$���"-��PZ3�3����5<9�!A���S@� �܋��x~�o��6�C��t��� :3/�����C�����)�lK������f^����m���ve�+@����mU5��,Qwl�j�)�ܻc�*��5���qP�}`ڭ�0�sG����5���D�B0�G�}���rE��#j��c���� i�r��w������w�(W

Completely answer all questions in Section I AND Section IV. This hour, we put nature and nurture on a collision course and discover how outside forces can find a way inside us, shaping not just our hearts and minds, but the basic biological blueprint that we pass on to future generations. 4 0 obj <> 2 YOU ARE WHAT YOUR GRANDPA EATS Lars Olov Bygren, a professor at Umeå University performed a study linking nutrition to health (heart disease, diabetes, longevity). SECTION I – Story 1

%��������� <>>> <> ss podcas. 2 0 obj Stories of nature and nurture slamming into each other, & shaping our biological blueprints. Or is it? %PDF-1.5 ternet access to do this). Summary from Radiolab website: Once a kid is born, their genetic fate is pretty much sealed. t. You must have in. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> 1 0 obj %���� endobj stories.

Listen Post No Evil Redux.
of the “Inheritance” Radiolab Podcast (Control + click on link to acce. Your grade will be based on how complete and correct your answers are. x��Xmo�6� ������*JC��q��k�]�a�A��X�c��,�~wGI�K1ZE�x��������dRra����L2�$�Bs�0���`���L�;�����k �����gװy�V����).�a:��KZv�i���3*�i����=��8�p��D�4WL�C�+��K���%.����N�^�� Your grade will be …

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<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 14 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Today, we explore those rules and ask what they tell us about the future of free speech. RADIOLAB Podcast “Inheritance” Homework Assignment Name: _____ PSUID:_____ Listen to the first three stories of the “Inheritance” Radiolab Podcast (Control + click on link to access podcast. Radiolab, with Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich, is a radio show and podcast weaving stories and science into sound and music-rich documentaries. 4 0 obj Name: _____ Listen to the first three.

You must have internet access to do this). stream endobj RADIOLAB Podcast “Inheritance” Homework Assignment. Jad gives a TED talk about his life as a journalist and how Radiolab has evolved over the years. a��V����sB�]}G�h�/pz���F#�/� /�h`ᷚ�He%P^�{j[����;��Gt�yd[: T昭~ۤ��\�U��沒�(����G_2�Pet��я8�M��R�p`�e� ��w�����I(�>�Bi��ǚ=$���� Y+`n .�w������#�G����R�Ͱ��^H���M����I��cT���{��P�-ڀ��������c(E0�4�F���)c��&�bۓ�!����e������9���B��l;�E�~�H�E�E����i��C��#;��p�Z;_)���d$!�$���&������nrIS7���^ �QDD��)n%�%La(OO�b|h!Pj{)d"(�q��*�3F/�JYM��ݴP#)`��Z8/(r�HwEyEßV�*J�cO�4��g���HՐ��Q�d\Y�ʳ��K0�/r�1@%�q�FA/��� RADIOLAB Podcast “Inheritance” Homework Assignment Name: _____ Listen to the first three stories of the “Inheritance” Radiolab Podcast (Control + click on link to access podcast. Episode Summary: Podcast examines artificial selection through the taming of Russian foxes, as well as domestication of the human race! Jun 19, 2020 Breastfeeding, beheadings and bombings, Facebook has rules to handle them all. endobj

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