One is when you have strife and squabbles in the family. Therefore this spirit animal teaches that you should take the time to nurture yourself first. Meanwhile, in Sicily Elephant Spirit has ties with sorcery and magic. Click to Let Elephant help you along those paths.Finally, invoke Elephant as your Power Animal when you need help calling forth ancient wisdom and messages from the Divine. When Elephant begins making an appearance in your life it represents a new, improved relationship with the Sacred Feminine in all Her aspects. The color of the elephant also represents different meanings. It was at it...It is oftentimes the first and last sound that you hear when in yoga class or a meditation class. She may bear more than one message for you.As an interesting note in Elephant’s history, Pliny the Elder spoke of this creature as being the one who most closely mirrored human sensibility.African lore says that Elephants are actually the Chieftains of the forest, having been reincarnated from ancient human chiefs. Elephant expands your awareness of all your senses (and sensuality). In China, India and Africa, the elephant is a symbol of beauty, power, dignity, intelligence and peace. Sometimes people come into our lives that hold that sacrosanct role energetically. Whether you’re repeating patterns using paint on canvas, pen on paper, pixels on a screen, humming the same melody over and over again, looping yarns around a needle, beating a rhythm on the drums, or even blowing continuous streams of bubbles with a friend – you’re prac…

When one member of an Elephant herd is injured, the others will risk their own lives to get their fallen comrade to safety. Ganesh appears with the head of an Elephant, and when paired with Lakshmi the couple becomes the “openers of the way.” This “way” can be anything from getting a job to personal transformation. Have you lost intimacy with those in your home? Indeed Elephant’s mantra could well be “family first.” Elephant challenges you to protect the young and weak of your tribe, while also recognizing the amazing extended family unit and how Powerful love and loyalty become when shared. Elephant mingles with various Divine figures, and the world itself is supported by Elephants who reside at each of the four directions.Consider Ganesh, perhaps the most popular deity in Hindu mythology. Elephant Symbolism & Meaning Elephant, the ever gentle and wise Spirit animal, exemplifies focused Power and strength. Having elephant art is a great reminder of how strong you are and no matter what hardships come your way you have the strength and wisdom to overcome anythingIn Buddhism, the gray elephant is a symbol of the untrained mind which is more prone to wander or deviate from the path of enlightenment. Connectedness is in your nature, not just toward people but also in the animal kingdom. This historical tidbit gives Elephant the symbolism of unanticipated surprise (and it’s a BIG one).When Elephant visits your dreams, it often portends overcoming an obstacle, particularly in relationships. Like a queen she exudes an air of authority as she walks the plains of Africa, or Asia.
These are the questions that Elephant puts forward.In times of drought, so selfless is a mother Elephant, she will cool her calf with water regurgitated from her own stomach. Elephant provides you with the empathy necessary to see all sides and build a harmonious bridge.Another good application for Elephant energy is to aid you in tracing your heritage. The elephant is a symbol of unmatched strength, and with grace she carries the spirit animal energies of patience, wisdom and the jewels of contemplative meditation. Think about these additional associations when walking with Elephant. Note that this is not the proverbial “butterfly” type of social interaction.

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