It is for the local highway authority to decide where the primary route should end, consulting with nearby authorities and the Highways Agency where they are affected.

In the 1960s, the existing system was overhauled to help deal with an age of mass-motoring.From April 2012, central government will be handing over greater responsibility to local highway authorities for the management of the roads classification system. If a local authority is considering a substantial revision to road classifications that will sharply increase the length of A roads or B roads under their control, we recommend that they contact the department beforehand.3.18 The department will continue to monitor the length of different road categories in each local authority area for statistical reasons, and to identify significant changes that could trigger intervention on behalf of the Secretary of State.3.19 Changes to roads classification do not require public consultation or advertisement, and local authorities do not traditionally do so. Where an authority identifies a discrepancy in the treatment of a road, it may be advisable to complete a classification form to clarify the status of the road.2.24 Under EU Directive 89/460/EC, the PRN must provide unrestricted access to 40 tonne vehicles. The Roads Act 1993 provides for roads to be classified as Freeways, Controlled Access Roads, Tollways, State Highways, Main Roads, Secondary Roads, Tourist Roads, Transitways and State Works. It is not helpful to adopt a single standard for selecting different classes of road in every part of the country. Moving the 10 primary route to a different inter-urban road would count as a significant change, but updating the route to take account of, for example, a new junction layout would not. The LHA is not responsible for the SRN, as this is owned by the Secretary of State for Transport and operated by the Highways Agency (known in this context as the National Authority), which performs the functions that would elsewhere be carried out by the LHA.National Street Gazetteer – a database of all streets in England and Wales compiled from the responsible local highway authorities.(NB. road. It is the responsibility of the authority to ensure that all infrastructure on the new primary route is of an appropriate standard.2.25 Aside from this, there is no official maintenance standard for primary routes. Likewise, the department is able to clarify the status of any particular number for any Welsh LA, and to reserve any numbers for their use (individually or en bloc). Each B road is given a unique identifying number from a list maintained by central government.Classified unnumbered road – third class of classified road, and a tier in the roads classification system. Road transportation is an essential network for any country. To view this licence, visit Defined as roads that provide the most satisfactory route between places of traffic importance. Under the new approach, authorities will have greater freedom to reorganise the PRN.Management of the strategic road network (SRN) remains the responsibility of the Highways Agency.The government consulted on these proposals in February 2011 and issued a consultation response in December of the same year.This guidance sets out how local highway authorities should approach the classification of roads and the organisation of the PRN in their own area.1.1 To the user, the road network is a single entity. The department recognises that neither local authorities nor central government will have comprehensive records of PRN decisions taken before 2012. This applies both to local authorities concerned with the actions of their neighbours, and to members of the public who are concerned about an authority’s decisions.3.35 Where there is a dispute, the department will expect interested parties to attempt to reconcile the matter through discussion at a local level.

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