In this study, the effects of iDC stimulation on vestibular nerve fiber firing rate was investigated using loose-patch nerve fiber recordings in the acutely excised mouse crista ampullar...Uncontrolled reaction of water with scandium alkyls (compounds 1-R ) supported by a dianionic, pentadentate ligand leads to rapid formation of an oxo-bridged dimer ( 2 ).
Sand grains were separated into the density fractions and the heavier fractions analyzed by laser a...Investigating the Galactic center offers unique insights into the buildup and history of our Galaxy and is a stepping stone to understand galaxies in a larger context. Scandium is a silvery-white metallic d-block element.

The ability to use this cue is not innate but m...This dissertation aimed to further our understanding of how old age might affect gait stability and adaptability, with the perspective that this knowledge could improve the effectiveness and specificity of exercise-based falls reduction interventions for both healthy and clinical populations at an increased risk of falls. In contrast to the extensively studied mechanosensory hair bundle, the cuticular plate is not as well understood. Scandium aluminium nitride gained a lot of attraction...The Rare Earth Elements (REE) are a group of chemical elements that exhibit a range of special (some unique) properties which are used in many modern and “green” technologies. For the golf company, see Holleman, A. F.; Wiberg, E. "Inorganic Chemistry" Academic Press: San Diego, 2001. Middle ear (ME) fluid accumulation leads to progressive hearing impairment, usually of the conductive type. We propose that chaotic dynamics enhance the sen...We report on the separation and recovery of scandium(III) from sulfate solutions using solvent extraction and a membrane transport system utilizing newly synthesized amic acid extractants. Objective: Phase formation, relative density, and electrical conductivity were inves...Silicate is an important rock-forming mineral. The microencapsulation of an epoxy resin using

Implant surface roughness is reportedly related strongly to P. gingivalis adhesion, which can lead to peri-implantitis and, later, cell adhesion. The significance of rare earth elements has been continuously increasing because the global demand fo...Vestibular system is a major sensory system responsible for maintaining body balance. Four dogs were presented to the Referral Veterinary Polyclinic, Indian Veterinary Research Institute with a history of compulsive walking, head tilt, circling, nystagmus staggering and vomition. 1 was macroscopic, 1A was nano sized, while 1B and 1C were micron sized. Scandium(III) was quantitatively extracted with 50 mmol dm–3N-[N,N-di(2-ethylhexyl)aminocarbonylmethyl]glycine (D2EHAG) or N-[N,N-di(2-ethylhexyl)aminocarbonylme...The kinetics of sorption of scandium and main impurities (iron, titanium, zirconium, aluminum and thorium) from hydrolysis sulfuric acid from titanium dioxide production by phosphorus-containing cation exchanger Purolite D5041 was investigated. Four dogs were presented to the Referral Veterinary Polyclinic, Indian Veterinary Research Institute with a history of compulsive walking, head tilt, circling, nystagmus staggering and vomition. Several extractants have been tried and 10% D2EHPA - 5% TBP - 85% sulfonated ke...Magnetoelectric sensors provide the ability to measure magnetic fields down to the pico tesla range and are currently the subject of intense research. The scandium rough concentrate containing Sc2O3 of 76.98 g/t was obtained by magnetic separation, gravity separation, and electric separation from Sc-bearing Vi-Ti magnetite tailings in the Panxi area of China. 44gSc has been the topic of recent research due to potential theranostic applications and is a promising radiometal for PET imaging.

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