"This being a … 4.5 out of 5 stars 4,490. Meine Mediathek. FREE … More Buying Choices $36.79 (3 used & new offers) adidas Confederations Cup Glider Soccer Ball. Gameplay for Super Soccer Blast on Xbox One (shown here), PlayStation 4, and Switch. 4.5 out of 5 stars 864. Books. […] Like the size one ball, it’s mainly used by older players to hone their skills and to practice tricks. 86 $39.99 $39.99. FREE Shipping by Amazon. He contributes articles regularly to soccer publications, has written books focusing on player and coach development and presents at national soccer events. Being able to use soccer moves to beat defenders at will is a highly prized skill as coaches look for players who can unlock the tightest of defences.Players who have close ball control, quick feet, and an endless bag of soccer tricks and moves are some of the most important players on a good soccer team.Whether you’re pulling off a perfectly executed Cruyff Turn, an effortless Elastico, or using a blinding whirr of stepovers…There are hundreds of elite soccer moves to master.Some will need great technique and trickery to execute, others will need a soft touch and a high amount of ball control…All of them require hours upon hours of practice in order execute them with confidence.Below, I’ll break down 18 tricks you can use to get by even the toughest of defenders.The roulette is a lot harder to pull off than it looks…Also known as the 360, this soccer move uses a spin to create separation from defenders and win yourself some extra time and space.With the ball running in front of you and the opposition player close to putting in a tackle, put your inside foot on top of the ball and roll it back slightly.At the same time, spin your body and roll the ball with your outside foot into the direction you’re turning towards.If done correctly, the ball should now be in your path as you sprint by the defender.Named after one of the masters of the game and one of the most fondly remembered players…Johan Cruyff used to turn defenders in and out with this signature move.The Cruyff Turn is executed when pretend you’re about to put in a cross, but actually use the interior of your foot to drag the ball back through your legs.When done correctly, this soccer move not only throws the defender off balance, but also allows you to keep possession and get past your opponent with a minimal risk of losing the ball.While attempting the Cruyff Turn, you must ensure that your body has low gravity as this will help you to turn quickly and keep your balance.Commit to the turn and execute it as quickly as you can in one fluid movement.The Elastico (also known as the flip flap) has long been popular with Brazilian soccer players who have used it to devastating effect on the pitch.To pull off this soccer move successfully, you want to hit the ball with the outside of your foot before immediately changing direction by striking the ball with the inside of your foot and bringing the ball across your body.Though it can be done from a stationary position, it is a lot more effective at speed.The goal is to make the defender believe you’re going one way when you’re actually going to cross the ball over and go the other direction.The Hocus Pocus is one of the most difficult soccer moves on the list.It takes a lot of skill and ball mastery to pull off, but you’ll certainly leave your defender in a twist if you’re able to master it.Starting with the ball attached to the inside of your foot, scoop the ball behind your standing leg and then push the ball back in front to the same side of your body with the outside of the same foot.Hopefully you’ll tie your defender up in a knot instead of yourself.As usual, the quicker you’re able to do this, the better chance you’ll have of successfully pulling off the move and blowing past your defender.I recommend you practice this from a stationary position first.With the huge range of soccer tricks that you can use, you’ll soon be leaving your defenders knot-legged and twisted all over the pitch.That’s when opportunities to use the nutmeg will arise.Once you’ve sold your defender a couple of dummies and they’re retreating flat-footed and unsure of what to do, slip the ball through their legs for the ultimate humiliation.Then quickly slip past them and gain possession of the ball again.No player likes to be nutmegged and I guarantee it’ll be on their minds for the rest of the match.They’ll think twice before trying to tackle you again.Jay Jay Okocha’s creativity and trickery brought joy to soccer fans over many years.When he used this soccer move named after him, he would throw opponents off balance and dance past them with ease.When moving with pace, roll the ball with the inside of your foot and use your other foot to fake as if to kick the ball.

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