We will certainly keep you informed if we obtain additional information.Our TDA member dentists are looking to their state membership organization to be a resource at a time, when the COVID-19 virus and its deleterious effects on commerce and our economy, on our citizens and every facet of life change daily. We will recover with time. We cannot do that effectively without access to PPE for ourselves and our staff. Health Professional Boards Board of Dentistry. EO-27 remains in effect until 11:59 p.m., Central Daylight Time, on April 30, 2020.

The “shelter at home” mandate and social distancing were ordered for containment of the spread of the virus. Look for it in your inbox.The Tennessee Dental Association (TDA) requested clarification from the Governor’s Office regarding the date our dentists can return given the end-time differences set forth by Executive Order No. Will there be new guidelines regarding PPE as a result of COVID-19? The Tennessee Dental Association (TDA) and the Board of Trustees is monitoring information received from governmental agencies and the American Dental Association (ADA) regarding the Coronavirus/COVID-19. It is challenging to be a leader in a time where there are no good answers to questions like: When can I return to work?

The TDA advocated aggressively for dentists to return to work on April 30 and made it clear that dentists had made preparations with staff and patients for a safe return to practice.Certain language in EO-31 might be viewed as an indication that the TDA had expressed reservation regarding the professional judgment of members to pursue appropriate safety precautions, in light of the recent release of the ADA Return to Work Interim Guidance Tool Kit. The TDA has been working with various governmental agencies to advocate for the dentists of Tennessee to return to work safely. A dentist can receive funding from BOTH an EIDL loan and PPP loan.Therefore, we still recommend that dentists apply for the EIDL loan first – so that they can get the EIDL $10,000 grant and EIDL loan as quickly as possible. The attached letter to the Governor and our legislators and other influential parties will be delivered and personal contacts have been called on to push this agenda. Governor Lee released EO-27 on April 13, 2020 effectively extending temporary social distancing and stay-at-home provisions through the end of April.

Educate your staff regarding the recommended guidelines and do your best to secure PPE. We are stronger together and our dental families will return to normalcy and do what we do best, providing expertise in dentistry, in a safe environment with the care and professionalism that we have always exhibited.

We want to encourage everyone, to make the time to establish a plan for your offices and take the time to train your staff. COVID-19 Resources for Dentists The Tennessee Dental Association has compiled a variety of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) resources for our members as we closely follow information from the Tennessee Department of Health, American Dental Association (ADA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), among others. Now is the time to create a strategic plan to begin the process of returning to work, restarting our practices and welcoming our patients. The challenges have been that the date to return to work and the information regarding financial assistance are a moving target. These communications include admonishment for not advocating to keep dentists in their offices providing routine dental care for their patients. The TDA will continue to provide updates and communications as new information is brought forward. The TDA has spoken to senior representatives of the Governor’s staff on behalf of all of our members and dentists in the state, aggressively advocating for On Monday, the ADA will launch its Return to Work Interim Guidance Toolkit. Unfortunately, EO-31 and subsequent dialogue have created a misimpression with respect to the position and advocacy of the TDA. Click on our Find a Dentist portal to locate a dentist … Please take the time to read and review this resource when it becomes available to We see it clearly on the national, state and local levels and within our professional associations.

Bottom line is that you can roll the EIDL loan into the 7(a) loan if you like (you are not required to do so).For a good overview of using teledentistry, coding, etc. We have advocated for those counties who are under an extended back to work order by your mayors to lift that order for dentists.The TDA has received numerous inquiries regarding recommendations to reopen and help in creating a plan and a checklist for staff and doctors to open in a slow and deliberate manner. HIV changed the protocols for practicing, and we all became accustomed to those clinical precautions. Welcome to the Tennessee Dental Association (TDA), home of over 2,400 member dentists. The Tennessee Dental Association has engaged the law firm of Cornelius & Collins to help our members with questions pertaining to employee concerns as a result of the COVID-19 virus. COVID-19. The same will be said for COVID-19. Currently, the ADA is recommending dentists nationwide postpone elective procedures for the next three weeks:“The American Dental Association (ADA) recognizes the unprecedented and extraordinary circumstances dentists and all health care professionals face related to growing concern about COVID-19. Then, if necessary, apply for the 7(a) loan, some or all of which is subject to loan forgiveness if used for eligible expenses. As health care professionals, it is up to dentists to make well-informed decisions about their patients and practices. 25 (EO-25) and Executive Order No. This website is designed to help you access information on oral health around our state and to be a resource to our members and the public. We have received calls, emails and notes of praise for advocating to keep our members, our staff, our families and ourselves safe from transmission of COVID-19.

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