Copyright © 2020 Mother Jones and the Foundation for National Progress. Jason has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. As lead prosecutor Aaron Zelinsky Stone’s lies did work to an extent. Donald Trump Frees Roger Stone…and Pardons Himself By commuting Stone’s prison sentence, Trump protects his longtime pal in a Russia scandal coverup. In a statement explaining Trump’s executive order freeing Stone, the White House bitterly assailed the Russia investigation mounted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and proclaimed that Stone was a “victim of the Russia Hoax.” But not even Barr agreed with that assessment. Unfortunately, it’s unclear, legal experts say. Listen on Apple Podcasts. Trump’s Pardon Abuses Subvert Justice.

Trump To Win State Not Won In 2016 (+200) An interesting line. By refusing to disclose this, Stone was covering up Trump’s efforts to connect with WikiLeaks while WikiLeaks was part of a Russian operation targeting American democracy. Especially during what's been called a "media extinction event" when The months and years ahead won't be easy. Trump’s attempt to hook up with WikiLeaks through Stone never became part of the Russia scandal narrative. Recall what Stone lied to Congress about. But there's no one we'd rather face the big challenges with than you, our committed and passionate readers, and our team of fearless reporters who show up every day.We didn't know what to expect when we told you we needed to raise $400,000 before our fiscal year closed on June 30, and we're thrilled to report that You just sent an incredible message: that quality journalism doesn't have to answer to advertisers, billionaires, or hedge funds; that newsrooms can eke out an existence thanks primarily to the generosity of its readers.

That's so powerful.

Stone, the veteran dirty trickster, has been a Trump intimate for decades. Could Trump pardon himself? Trump has claimed that he has an “ absolute right ” to pardon himself of federal crimes, despite that statement directly conflicting with a 1974 Justice Department memo, drafted in … Published Mon, Jun 4 2018 1:29 PM EDT Updated Tue, Jun 5 2018 4:03 PM EDT. Stone was eventually sentenced to 40 months. The Russian-WikiLeaks operation was mounted to hurt Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump, and Trump and his campaign were delighted by the Kremlin’s intervention.As Stone’s trial demonstrated, Trump and Paul Manafort, then the chairman of the Trump campaign, tried to use Stone as a go-between with WikiLeaks, at least to find out what Assange had on Clinton so they could best exploit it. There is no precedent for a US president pardoning himself. Stone stonewalled to protect Trump, and Trump has protected Stone from prison. Far from it.

But the President’s conduct could also be viewed as reflecting his awareness that Stone could provide evidence that would run counter to the President’s denials and would link the President to Stone’s efforts to reach out to WikiLeaks.The Stone trial certainly produced evidence that Trump had indeed lied to Mueller, though the president had deployed the I-have-no-recollection dodge. The president has weaponized his constitutional power to protect himself and bail out his friends.
Legislation is needed to ensure that no President can pardon or commute the sentence of an individual who is engaged in a cover-up campaign to shield that President from criminal prosecution.Roger Stone’s seven felony crimes, which include lying to Congress and witness tampering, constitute grave crimes. Dan Mangan @_DanMangan. Clearly, Stone and Trump did not want this revealed. (Mueller concluded that under Justice Department policy he did not have the power to indict Trump for any crimes, and it’s often tough for prosecutors to prove someone has lied when that person claims they cannot recall. And lying to the special counsel—like lying to Congress—is a crime. He told the House Intelligence Committee, which was investigating Russian interference, that he had only heard about WikiLeaks plans through an intermediary—a radio show host named Randy Credico—but it turned out that this story was false and that Stone had attempted to enlist Jerome Corsi, a rightwing journalist and fellow conspiracy theorist, to be a conduit with WikiLeaks.This lie and others landed Stone in court, and a jury After Stone’s conviction, Justice Department prosecutors requested a sentence of seven to nine years. So Stone broke the law to keep this hidden. But Attorney General Bill Barr intervened, and the department filed a new sentencing memo that called for a lesser penalty of three to four years. Then Stone helped birth Trump’s White House bid in 2015. Does the Constitution grant a president the power to pardon her or himself?

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